


2 disponibili

di Yvett Arzate Gomez

  • Focuses on a rapidly growing market
  • Contains beautiful packaging patterns and advertising concepts, all illustrated in colour
  • Both aesthetically pleasing for the casual reader, and useful as a reference for designers and students

With every passing year, the strength of takeaway food packaging design becomes stronger, particularly with the increased popularity and ease of ordering food online as well as eating on the go. As a branch of graphic design, the essence of this packaging is to grab the potential customer’s attention and identify a brand. Packaging design can make a big difference in the sales of a product, since it not only works to inform the consumer, but also provoke a feeling or reaction, communicate emotion, and even respond to any given desire. Good packaging is attractive and can impress people with its creativity and it is a way for the customer to express their identity. It offers a fabulous opportunity for companies to communicate with consumers and it is a powerful marketing tool that can make brands instantly recognisable around the world.

This comprehensive full-colour guide explores current global trends in takeaway food packaging design driven by a broad range of high calibre designers, including big global players and fast-food giants, and boutique brands. This book provides useful detail on a wide assortment of materials used, recyclability and sustainability, and functionality; all essential components in regard to overall customer appeal. No other advertising medium is as close to the consumer as takeaway food packaging is – it is literally in their hands.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 20,5×28,5
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 300
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2016

ISBN: 9781864707069

Yvett Arzate Gómez was born on July 29, 1984 in Guerrero, Mexico. She studied graphic design at the University of Monterrey (UDEM) where she graduated with multiple honours. She started working as a freelance designer for independent brands, until she decided to create her own business. At Nómada Design Studio, she continues to develop projects for independent, transnational, and renowned brands. She is experienced in designing packaging for food, including takeaways and even frozen food. Publishing credits include blog articles and several books.



2 disponibili

di Yvett Arzate Gomez

  • Focuses on a rapidly growing market
  • Contains beautiful packaging patterns and advertising concepts, all illustrated in colour
  • Both aesthetically pleasing for the casual reader, and useful as a reference for designers and students

With every passing year, the strength of takeaway food packaging design becomes stronger, particularly with the increased popularity and ease of ordering food online as well as eating on the go. As a branch of graphic design, the essence of this packaging is to grab the potential customer’s attention and identify a brand. Packaging design can make a big difference in the sales of a product, since it not only works to inform the consumer, but also provoke a feeling or reaction, communicate emotion, and even respond to any given desire. Good packaging is attractive and can impress people with its creativity and it is a way for the customer to express their identity. It offers a fabulous opportunity for companies to communicate with consumers and it is a powerful marketing tool that can make brands instantly recognisable around the world.

This comprehensive full-colour guide explores current global trends in takeaway food packaging design driven by a broad range of high calibre designers, including big global players and fast-food giants, and boutique brands. This book provides useful detail on a wide assortment of materials used, recyclability and sustainability, and functionality; all essential components in regard to overall customer appeal. No other advertising medium is as close to the consumer as takeaway food packaging is – it is literally in their hands.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 20,5×28,5
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 300
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2016

ISBN: 9781864707069

Yvett Arzate Gómez was born on July 29, 1984 in Guerrero, Mexico. She studied graphic design at the University of Monterrey (UDEM) where she graduated with multiple honours. She started working as a freelance designer for independent brands, until she decided to create her own business. At Nómada Design Studio, she continues to develop projects for independent, transnational, and renowned brands. She is experienced in designing packaging for food, including takeaways and even frozen food. Publishing credits include blog articles and several books.


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