


di Suzanna Ivanic

CATHOLICA. The Visual Culture of Catholicism

A clear, concise and detailed Analysis of the eclectic and beautiful Visual and material Culture of Catholicism

Paintings, architecture, metalwork, gemstones and ivories have been used to glorify God and convey the cornerstones of faith since the beginning of Christianity, and nowhere more so than in Catholicism. Focusing on a carefully curated selection of art and artefacts, this book guides the reader on a worldwide journey through Catholic art and culture, decoding the symbolism and clarifying the meaning inherent in the iconography, rituals and sacred sites of Catholicism.

Catholica is organized into three parts – Tenet, Locus and Spiritus – each containing three themed chapters. The first part introduces the centrepieces of the faith, explaining the symbolism in the artistic representation of the holy family, apostles and saints, and in stories from scripture. The second part examines places of worship, identifying the constituent parts of the cathedral and presenting evocative images of roadside shrines. The third part explores celebrations and traditions, including personal devotional tools and jewelry. For each of the nine themed chapters, illustrated introductory text is followed by a presentation of the key figures, the key stories and the key iconography relevant to each theme. Paintings and artefacts are examined in detail, identifying and explaining the symbolism and the stories depicted in each.

Catholica does not just provide readers with a set of decoded visual symbols to refer to when attempting to interpret Catholic imagery, wherever they encounter it;
it is also a brilliant sourcebook of imagery for designers to harness and reference in modern secular culture.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 17×24
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 450
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9780500252543

Suzanna Ivanic is lecturer in early modern European history at the University of Kent. Her research focuses on religion, material and visual culture, and travel in Central Europe. She is also the author of The Materiality of Belief: The Spiritual World of Early Modern Prague.



di Suzanna Ivanic

CATHOLICA. The Visual Culture of Catholicism

A clear, concise and detailed Analysis of the eclectic and beautiful Visual and material Culture of Catholicism

Paintings, architecture, metalwork, gemstones and ivories have been used to glorify God and convey the cornerstones of faith since the beginning of Christianity, and nowhere more so than in Catholicism. Focusing on a carefully curated selection of art and artefacts, this book guides the reader on a worldwide journey through Catholic art and culture, decoding the symbolism and clarifying the meaning inherent in the iconography, rituals and sacred sites of Catholicism.

Catholica is organized into three parts – Tenet, Locus and Spiritus – each containing three themed chapters. The first part introduces the centrepieces of the faith, explaining the symbolism in the artistic representation of the holy family, apostles and saints, and in stories from scripture. The second part examines places of worship, identifying the constituent parts of the cathedral and presenting evocative images of roadside shrines. The third part explores celebrations and traditions, including personal devotional tools and jewelry. For each of the nine themed chapters, illustrated introductory text is followed by a presentation of the key figures, the key stories and the key iconography relevant to each theme. Paintings and artefacts are examined in detail, identifying and explaining the symbolism and the stories depicted in each.

Catholica does not just provide readers with a set of decoded visual symbols to refer to when attempting to interpret Catholic imagery, wherever they encounter it;
it is also a brilliant sourcebook of imagery for designers to harness and reference in modern secular culture.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 17×24
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 450
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9780500252543

Suzanna Ivanic is lecturer in early modern European history at the University of Kent. Her research focuses on religion, material and visual culture, and travel in Central Europe. She is also the author of The Materiality of Belief: The Spiritual World of Early Modern Prague.


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