



di James Corner Field Operations – Diller Scofidio + Renfro

The first-hand, behind-the-scenes account of the creative inspiration behind the High Line, the transformative public ‘park in the sky’ that has reshaped global perceptions of urban space – and become one of the most beloved and visited destinations in New York City.

The first full documentation that visually charts the journey of this global landmark from the designer’s point of view. Hundreds of illustrations showcase every aspect of the project and its unforeseen influence in its entirety. Includes previously unpublished archival materials such as the drawings behind the original proposal and exclusive images of construction.

The book mirrors the architecture and composition of the park through its large landscape format with foldouts, surprising packaging and inserts. More than a visual masterpiece – its seven chapters are well-organized, legible, comprehensive and accessible. Detailed, obsessive, quirky, compelling, and beautiful, the book captures the essence of the High Line.

THE book for design enthusiasts including architects, landscape designers and urban planners – as well as for general-interest lovers of New York City, culture, art, gardens, and city life.

> James Corner Field Operations is an award-winning international landscape architecture, urban and public realm design firm based in New York City. The practice is renowned for strong contemporary design across a variety of project types and scales, from large urban districts and complex post-industrial sites, to small well-crafted, detail design projects. James Corner is recipient of the National Design Award and the Academy of Arts and Letters Architecture Award, among others.

> Diller Scofidio + Renfro is an interdisciplinary design studio that integrates architecture, the visual arts and the performing arts. The firm established its identity through theoretical and self-generated projects before coming to international prominence through projects such as Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and the recently opened Broad Museum. For their commitment to merging art, architecture, and culture, founding partners Diller and Scofidio were the first in architecture to be recognized with the MacArthur Foundation “genius” award.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 33×22,2
Pagine: 452
Immagini a colori: 1000
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9780714871004




di James Corner Field Operations – Diller Scofidio + Renfro

The first-hand, behind-the-scenes account of the creative inspiration behind the High Line, the transformative public ‘park in the sky’ that has reshaped global perceptions of urban space – and become one of the most beloved and visited destinations in New York City.

The first full documentation that visually charts the journey of this global landmark from the designer’s point of view. Hundreds of illustrations showcase every aspect of the project and its unforeseen influence in its entirety. Includes previously unpublished archival materials such as the drawings behind the original proposal and exclusive images of construction.

The book mirrors the architecture and composition of the park through its large landscape format with foldouts, surprising packaging and inserts. More than a visual masterpiece – its seven chapters are well-organized, legible, comprehensive and accessible. Detailed, obsessive, quirky, compelling, and beautiful, the book captures the essence of the High Line.

THE book for design enthusiasts including architects, landscape designers and urban planners – as well as for general-interest lovers of New York City, culture, art, gardens, and city life.

> James Corner Field Operations is an award-winning international landscape architecture, urban and public realm design firm based in New York City. The practice is renowned for strong contemporary design across a variety of project types and scales, from large urban districts and complex post-industrial sites, to small well-crafted, detail design projects. James Corner is recipient of the National Design Award and the Academy of Arts and Letters Architecture Award, among others.

> Diller Scofidio + Renfro is an interdisciplinary design studio that integrates architecture, the visual arts and the performing arts. The firm established its identity through theoretical and self-generated projects before coming to international prominence through projects such as Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and the recently opened Broad Museum. For their commitment to merging art, architecture, and culture, founding partners Diller and Scofidio were the first in architecture to be recognized with the MacArthur Foundation “genius” award.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 33×22,2
Pagine: 452
Immagini a colori: 1000
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9780714871004


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