di Fortunato Depero – Raffaele Bedarida
A new facsimile Edition – the first exact Copy – of Fortunato Depero’s Landmark – and long out of Print – experimental Monograph
Italian futurist Fortunato Depero’s 1927 monograph Depero Futurista is universally recognized as a landmark avant-garde example of the ‘book as object’. Filled with bold typographic experimentation, daring layouts and featuring work in nearly every artistic medium, it is widely known as The Bolted Book because it is famously bound together by two large industrial aluminium bolts.
This new edition is the first exact copy of Depero’s groundbreaking monograph produced since its original publication ninety years ago. This exact facsimile – featuring five types of paper and meticulously recreated bolts – includes a wealth of Depero’s influential paintings, sculptures, textile and architectural designs, advertising work, wordplays, manifestos and reviews – any or all of which can be removed and displayed as individual pieces of art. The accompanying Reader’s Guide explores the extraordinary legacy of the project, setting the book in its proper context and making it available as a source of inspiration for a new generation.
Veste editoriale: Facsimile + Brossura in Cofanetto
Formato: 33,5×28,6
Pagine: 248
Immagini a colori-b/n: 387
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9780500021521
CONTENTS: Introduction • Depero: Futurista, Steve Heller • The Fate and Fortune of Depero Futurista, Nicoletta Boschiero • Depero and Azari in the Archives of The Mart, Federico Zanoner Making the Bolted Book, Gianluca Camillini • Unbolted: A Reader’s Guide, Raffaele Bedarida
Fortunato Depero (1892–1960) was an Italian futurist painter, writer, sculptor and graphic designer. Raffaele Bedarida is Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at Cooper Union.
di Fortunato Depero – Raffaele Bedarida
A new facsimile Edition – the first exact Copy – of Fortunato Depero’s Landmark – and long out of Print – experimental Monograph
Italian futurist Fortunato Depero’s 1927 monograph Depero Futurista is universally recognized as a landmark avant-garde example of the ‘book as object’. Filled with bold typographic experimentation, daring layouts and featuring work in nearly every artistic medium, it is widely known as The Bolted Book because it is famously bound together by two large industrial aluminium bolts.
This new edition is the first exact copy of Depero’s groundbreaking monograph produced since its original publication ninety years ago. This exact facsimile – featuring five types of paper and meticulously recreated bolts – includes a wealth of Depero’s influential paintings, sculptures, textile and architectural designs, advertising work, wordplays, manifestos and reviews – any or all of which can be removed and displayed as individual pieces of art. The accompanying Reader’s Guide explores the extraordinary legacy of the project, setting the book in its proper context and making it available as a source of inspiration for a new generation.
Veste editoriale: Facsimile + Brossura in Cofanetto
Formato: 33,5×28,6
Pagine: 248
Immagini a colori-b/n: 387
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9780500021521
CONTENTS: Introduction • Depero: Futurista, Steve Heller • The Fate and Fortune of Depero Futurista, Nicoletta Boschiero • Depero and Azari in the Archives of The Mart, Federico Zanoner Making the Bolted Book, Gianluca Camillini • Unbolted: A Reader’s Guide, Raffaele Bedarida
Fortunato Depero (1892–1960) was an Italian futurist painter, writer, sculptor and graphic designer. Raffaele Bedarida is Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at Cooper Union.
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