


1 disponibili

di John Dixon HuntGina Crandell – Jane Gillette

  • Building Ideas looks at the attentive work of PWP, and highlights over 20 recent and ongoing projects
  • Never before seen photos and projects

John Dixon Hunt introduces PWP Landscape Architecture: Building Ideas with a discussion of how we read landscapes and, hence, how they are designed with the reader/client in mind and the historical implications of such efforts. Peter Walker, Gary Hilderbrand, and Gina Crandell trace the history of Peter Walker’s various firms from the 1950s until 2000, and Jane Gillette discusses some recent projects in terms of using consultants to further design ideas.

Twelve finished projects, seven works in progress, and three competitions, from roughly 2000 to 2015, demonstrate the firm’s goals and achievements with an emphasis on the expansion of landscape architecture from the surrounds of buildings to self-sufficient entities that express the highest accomplishments of both ecological function and design.

> John Dixon Hunt is Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania Gary Hilderbrand: Partner, Reed Hilderbrand, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Professor-in-Practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Gina Crandell is a landscape architect, teacher, and writer on landscape architecture, whose books include Tree Gardens: Architecture and the Forest and Nature Pictorialized: The View in Landscape History. Jane Gillette is an avid reader of long novels who has published short fiction in a variety of journals including Virginia Quarterly Review, Yale Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Hopkins Review, Missouri Review, and Zyzzyva,among others. She has won a Lawrence Foundation Prize and an O. Henry Prize.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 22,8×27,9
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 300
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017

ISBN: 9781935935643



1 disponibili

di John Dixon HuntGina Crandell – Jane Gillette

  • Building Ideas looks at the attentive work of PWP, and highlights over 20 recent and ongoing projects
  • Never before seen photos and projects

John Dixon Hunt introduces PWP Landscape Architecture: Building Ideas with a discussion of how we read landscapes and, hence, how they are designed with the reader/client in mind and the historical implications of such efforts. Peter Walker, Gary Hilderbrand, and Gina Crandell trace the history of Peter Walker’s various firms from the 1950s until 2000, and Jane Gillette discusses some recent projects in terms of using consultants to further design ideas.

Twelve finished projects, seven works in progress, and three competitions, from roughly 2000 to 2015, demonstrate the firm’s goals and achievements with an emphasis on the expansion of landscape architecture from the surrounds of buildings to self-sufficient entities that express the highest accomplishments of both ecological function and design.

> John Dixon Hunt is Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania Gary Hilderbrand: Partner, Reed Hilderbrand, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Professor-in-Practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Gina Crandell is a landscape architect, teacher, and writer on landscape architecture, whose books include Tree Gardens: Architecture and the Forest and Nature Pictorialized: The View in Landscape History. Jane Gillette is an avid reader of long novels who has published short fiction in a variety of journals including Virginia Quarterly Review, Yale Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Hopkins Review, Missouri Review, and Zyzzyva,among others. She has won a Lawrence Foundation Prize and an O. Henry Prize.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 22,8×27,9
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 300
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017

ISBN: 9781935935643


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