In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 85,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 78,00 €.

  • Based on in-depth interviews with the authors, this is the first time the photographer discusses her work as a whole, in terms of recurring themes, techniques and how it is evolving
  • The book includes more than 170 photographs – many published for the first time – carefully selected in dialogues between Binet and the authors to represent the full scope of her work and her personal interests


Over a period of forty years, Hélène Binet has photographed both contemporary and historical architecture – this is the complete monograph of her work, with two extensive critical essays. Marco Iuliano details Hélène Binet’s background, from her childhood in the Italian fishing village of Sperlonga and in Rome, through her early ‘discovery’ of architectural photographer Lucien Hervé, to other significant influences, like the collaborations with Daniel Libeskind, John Hejduk and the connections at the Architectural Association (AA) in London where she met Zaha Hadid. The essay highlights in detail Binet’s approach to photography, her process and archive.
Martino Stierli sets Binet’s work within the conceptual framework of architectural photography, discussing whether an architectural photograph is an inventory of a building or space, a translation into a two-dimensional image or, rather, an image in its own right; an artifact that loosely relates to the original object or phenomenon. Within this context, Stierli argues that Binet’s oeuvre seems to oscillate between two obsessions: a desire to translate spatial phenomena into the two-dimensional space of the image and a quest to articulate the modulation of light on a surface. The two essays are followed by a catalogue of Binet’s work, which is framed within a series of her recurring themes emerged through dialogues between the authors and the photographer.

Marco Iuliano teaches at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture and is a faculty member of the British School at Rome. Martino Stierli is The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at The Museum of Modern Art in New York.

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 85,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 78,00 €.

  • Based on in-depth interviews with the authors, this is the first time the photographer discusses her work as a whole, in terms of recurring themes, techniques and how it is evolving
  • The book includes more than 170 photographs – many published for the first time – carefully selected in dialogues between Binet and the authors to represent the full scope of her work and her personal interests


Over a period of forty years, Hélène Binet has photographed both contemporary and historical architecture – this is the complete monograph of her work, with two extensive critical essays. Marco Iuliano details Hélène Binet’s background, from her childhood in the Italian fishing village of Sperlonga and in Rome, through her early ‘discovery’ of architectural photographer Lucien Hervé, to other significant influences, like the collaborations with Daniel Libeskind, John Hejduk and the connections at the Architectural Association (AA) in London where she met Zaha Hadid. The essay highlights in detail Binet’s approach to photography, her process and archive.
Martino Stierli sets Binet’s work within the conceptual framework of architectural photography, discussing whether an architectural photograph is an inventory of a building or space, a translation into a two-dimensional image or, rather, an image in its own right; an artifact that loosely relates to the original object or phenomenon. Within this context, Stierli argues that Binet’s oeuvre seems to oscillate between two obsessions: a desire to translate spatial phenomena into the two-dimensional space of the image and a quest to articulate the modulation of light on a surface. The two essays are followed by a catalogue of Binet’s work, which is framed within a series of her recurring themes emerged through dialogues between the authors and the photographer.

Marco Iuliano teaches at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture and is a faculty member of the British School at Rome. Martino Stierli is The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at The Museum of Modern Art in New York.


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