


a cura di Ivan Bercedo – Jorge Mestre


  • This over-sized book is the first compilation dedicated to art nouveau architecture worldwide, rather than Europe alone
  • Illustrated with maps and photographs, and including texts written by experts from each continent
  • An enlightening must-buy for architectural students and designers who specialise in art nouveau


What was fresh, modern and ground-breaking in the decades between 1890 and 1910? Art nouveau architecture is a diverse subject, with a plethora of different names from across the globe. But no matter what it is called, it always strives to be different.

Defining a movement that consciously opposes tradition is difficult; art nouveau rejects categorisation with its relentless modernity. A conscious defiance of classicism, this movement was informed by niche interpretations of medieval imagery, such as Wagner’s operas and Nietzsche’s review of paganism, as well as influences beyond the scope of Western canon such as Japanese art and orientalism.

The buildings themselves are models of collaborative research. Artistic innovation collided with invention, as architects embraced new construction techniques, designing with iron, glass, pottery, and concrete.

This over-sized book is the result of five years in-depth research. It contains a selection of key buildings from around the world, carefully curated by a panel of experts who bring specialist input from each continent. As a result, this book is the first collection of art nouveau architecture outside the boundaries of Europe.

Each building is fully illustrated and accompanied by descriptive text. A general introduction provides historical and political context, while each country in the Atlas is introduced with a short but in-depth essay. City maps have been specially produced for this one-of-a-kind book, making this a must-buy for architectural students and designers who specialise in art nouveau.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 29×38
Pagine: 432
Immagini a colori: 2214
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2025

ISBN: 9788434313699



a cura di Ivan Bercedo – Jorge Mestre


  • This over-sized book is the first compilation dedicated to art nouveau architecture worldwide, rather than Europe alone
  • Illustrated with maps and photographs, and including texts written by experts from each continent
  • An enlightening must-buy for architectural students and designers who specialise in art nouveau


What was fresh, modern and ground-breaking in the decades between 1890 and 1910? Art nouveau architecture is a diverse subject, with a plethora of different names from across the globe. But no matter what it is called, it always strives to be different.

Defining a movement that consciously opposes tradition is difficult; art nouveau rejects categorisation with its relentless modernity. A conscious defiance of classicism, this movement was informed by niche interpretations of medieval imagery, such as Wagner’s operas and Nietzsche’s review of paganism, as well as influences beyond the scope of Western canon such as Japanese art and orientalism.

The buildings themselves are models of collaborative research. Artistic innovation collided with invention, as architects embraced new construction techniques, designing with iron, glass, pottery, and concrete.

This over-sized book is the result of five years in-depth research. It contains a selection of key buildings from around the world, carefully curated by a panel of experts who bring specialist input from each continent. As a result, this book is the first collection of art nouveau architecture outside the boundaries of Europe.

Each building is fully illustrated and accompanied by descriptive text. A general introduction provides historical and political context, while each country in the Atlas is introduced with a short but in-depth essay. City maps have been specially produced for this one-of-a-kind book, making this a must-buy for architectural students and designers who specialise in art nouveau.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 29×38
Pagine: 432
Immagini a colori: 2214
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2025

ISBN: 9788434313699


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