di Stefano Tordiglione
This book shows you how to design great shopfronts, from planning to design principles according to type of store, location, the product, and architectural elements. This delightful book features latest shopfronts from over 140 different shops in the city, revealing changing trends and distinct character of different brands. Each shopfront not only shows the unique face, but contains a host of interesting detail about the designs, materials and construction methods. Loaded with numerous photos and drawings, it has eight major parts, including introduction, parts of a shopfront, the planning for shopfront design, the renovation of traditional shopfront, the new shopfront principles, design approach of architectural elements, security, and works. A must-read for architects, shopfront designers, sign designers, concerned citizens, and anyone who cares about the first impressions of shops, this illustrated book is equally appealing to shop owners.
> Stefano was born in Napoli, Italy and he studied and worked in New York and London for over ten years. His first design experience started in London in 1991. Since then he has worked for internationally acclaimed Italian studios specialized in retail, luxury hotel and resorts, residential development and private yachts. He is also an artist and his works are part of international private contemporary art collections. It’s also worthy to mention the fact that he worked for UNICEF as Project and Art Director in several international events organized in Italy. His numerous artistic experiences have made him develop excellent intuition into aesthetic and design. The design team at Stefano Tordiglione Design Ltd. has strong international background with architects and designer.They have directed many commercial projects of the studio including Brooks Brothers Fashion Boutique, Dinh Van Jewellery boutique, Wellendorff jewellery boutique, apple & pie Child-shoe Boutique and Sal Curioso Spanish Restaurant etc. Recent Awards: 2014 Golden Bund Awards: Certificate of Excellence of Best Commercial Design 2013 Perspective Awards: Certificate of Excellence of Restaurant―Interior design 2013 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards: Best 10 Food Space 2013 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards: Best 10 Shopping Space 2013 Global Design Awards: Certificate of Merit (Hospitality & Entertainment)
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23×29
Pagine: 336
Immagini a colori: 800
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9789881296894
di Stefano Tordiglione
This book shows you how to design great shopfronts, from planning to design principles according to type of store, location, the product, and architectural elements. This delightful book features latest shopfronts from over 140 different shops in the city, revealing changing trends and distinct character of different brands. Each shopfront not only shows the unique face, but contains a host of interesting detail about the designs, materials and construction methods. Loaded with numerous photos and drawings, it has eight major parts, including introduction, parts of a shopfront, the planning for shopfront design, the renovation of traditional shopfront, the new shopfront principles, design approach of architectural elements, security, and works. A must-read for architects, shopfront designers, sign designers, concerned citizens, and anyone who cares about the first impressions of shops, this illustrated book is equally appealing to shop owners.
> Stefano was born in Napoli, Italy and he studied and worked in New York and London for over ten years. His first design experience started in London in 1991. Since then he has worked for internationally acclaimed Italian studios specialized in retail, luxury hotel and resorts, residential development and private yachts. He is also an artist and his works are part of international private contemporary art collections. It’s also worthy to mention the fact that he worked for UNICEF as Project and Art Director in several international events organized in Italy. His numerous artistic experiences have made him develop excellent intuition into aesthetic and design. The design team at Stefano Tordiglione Design Ltd. has strong international background with architects and designer.They have directed many commercial projects of the studio including Brooks Brothers Fashion Boutique, Dinh Van Jewellery boutique, Wellendorff jewellery boutique, apple & pie Child-shoe Boutique and Sal Curioso Spanish Restaurant etc. Recent Awards: 2014 Golden Bund Awards: Certificate of Excellence of Best Commercial Design 2013 Perspective Awards: Certificate of Excellence of Restaurant―Interior design 2013 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards: Best 10 Food Space 2013 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards: Best 10 Shopping Space 2013 Global Design Awards: Certificate of Merit (Hospitality & Entertainment)
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23×29
Pagine: 336
Immagini a colori: 800
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9789881296894
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