Throughout his career, the Genovese architect Alberto Ponis (> Biography) has combined the practice of architecture with that of painting, a tool and a stimulus for his activity as a designer of buildings. He has repeatedly drawn each of the sites for his projects, attentive to every detail in his designs with profound precision. This includes the nature of the places and the landscapes where they are located, the characters and needs of those who will inhabit them, and the specific conditions of their construction, always carried out with local builders and using local materials. This monographic edition of the magazine surveys the scope of his breathtaking practice and its context in meticulous detail.
Biografía Biography
Apuntes Sobre Arquitectura
Notes On Architecture
Alberto Ponis
Pleno Verano:
La Aventura Mediterránea de Alberto Ponis
The Height of Summer Alberto Ponis’ Mediterranean Adventure
Inmaculada Maluenda y Enrique Encabo
Los Proyectos de Vivienda de Alberto Ponis
The Housing Projects of Alberto Ponis
Jonathan Sergison
Estructuras ocultas
Hidden Structures
Irina Davidovici
Paseo y Yacht Club
Promenade and Yacht Club
Casa Martínez
Martínez House
Casa Bak
Bak House
Casa Hartley
Hartley House
Estudio Yasmin Brandolini
Yasmin Brandolini studio
Maisonettes Porto Rafael
Maisonettes Porto Rafael
Casa Figini
Figini House
Casa Scalesciani
Scalesciani House
Stazzo Pulcheddu
Stazzo Pulcheddu
K1 Village
K1 Village
Casa Heintzschel
Heintzschel House
Casa Cirillo
Cirillo House
Casa Ivan Bortolotti
Casa Ivan Bortolotti
Casa Lusmifin
Lusmifin House
Casa Gostner
Gostner House
Casa Rangoni
Rangoni House
Throughout his career, the Genovese architect Alberto Ponis (> Biography) has combined the practice of architecture with that of painting, a tool and a stimulus for his activity as a designer of buildings. He has repeatedly drawn each of the sites for his projects, attentive to every detail in his designs with profound precision. This includes the nature of the places and the landscapes where they are located, the characters and needs of those who will inhabit them, and the specific conditions of their construction, always carried out with local builders and using local materials. This monographic edition of the magazine surveys the scope of his breathtaking practice and its context in meticulous detail.
Biografía Biography
Apuntes Sobre Arquitectura
Notes On Architecture
Alberto Ponis
Pleno Verano:
La Aventura Mediterránea de Alberto Ponis
The Height of Summer Alberto Ponis’ Mediterranean Adventure
Inmaculada Maluenda y Enrique Encabo
Los Proyectos de Vivienda de Alberto Ponis
The Housing Projects of Alberto Ponis
Jonathan Sergison
Estructuras ocultas
Hidden Structures
Irina Davidovici
Paseo y Yacht Club
Promenade and Yacht Club
Casa Martínez
Martínez House
Casa Bak
Bak House
Casa Hartley
Hartley House
Estudio Yasmin Brandolini
Yasmin Brandolini studio
Maisonettes Porto Rafael
Maisonettes Porto Rafael
Casa Figini
Figini House
Casa Scalesciani
Scalesciani House
Stazzo Pulcheddu
Stazzo Pulcheddu
K1 Village
K1 Village
Casa Heintzschel
Heintzschel House
Casa Cirillo
Cirillo House
Casa Ivan Bortolotti
Casa Ivan Bortolotti
Casa Lusmifin
Lusmifin House
Casa Gostner
Gostner House
Casa Rangoni
Rangoni House
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