69,00 € Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.62,00 €Il prezzo attuale è: 62,00 €.
6 disponibili
At a crucial moment for Mexican architecture, Manuel Cervantes, in this new volume of the Prospectiva series, introduces us to an architectural Mexico that is debating between tradition and modernity, between the formal and the informal, in a socio-political scenario that he describes as “complex and very delicate”.
The book brings together a careful selection of projects, developed at the level of plans and construction details, covering different scales and typologies, from urban interventions to object design.
Its pages unfold a panorama of architectural practices that, far from seeking stylistic homogeneity, celebrate diversity and cultural roots. The selected projects demonstrate how Mexican architects are finding creative ways to address contemporary issues without losing sight of their cultural heritage.
It includes works by both established and emerging architects, offering a balance of generations and approaches that enriches the dialogue and allows the reader to appreciate the evolution and continuity of certain ideas in Mexican architecture.
Finally, the book stands out for its focus on built projects, a decision that underscores the importance of the execution process in understanding Mexican reality. This emphasis on the tangible allows the reader to appreciate not only the ideas and concepts behind each project, but also their materialization in a challenging context.
Manuel Cervantes Céspedes
Juan Palomar
Fray Antonio Alcalde Walk
Rozana Montiel + Claudia Rodríguez
CIVAC Linear Park
Hugo Sánchez
Estudio MMX + Luis Campos
Campus CBG
Isaac Broid + Productora
Teopanzolco Cultural Center
Mauricio Rocha
Anahuacalli Museum. Remodeling and Expansion
Jorge Carlos Zoreda Novelo, Augusto Quijano Axle, Alejandro Vales García, Javier Muñoz Menéndez, Mario Peniche López
Yucatán Haciendas
Gabriela Carrillo
Cracks and Subsidence Observatory, Utopia Tecoloxtitla
Luis Aldrete
RM Residential Complex
Héctor Barroso
Cabo Sports Complex
Juan de la Barrera Complex
Amet. Ambrosi Etchegaray
IT Building
Reforma Tower
Estudio Macías Peredo + Alexanderson Arquitectos
Former College of San Diego de Alcalá
JCKP Juan Carral / Víctor Ebergenyi
Donceles Studios
Fernanda Canales
Pilares Iztapalapa
Carlos H. Matos
Monte House
Frida Escobedo
Serpentine Pavilion
Héctor Esrawe
Cartela Light Sculpture
Habitación 116
Lava Collection
69,00 € Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.62,00 €Il prezzo attuale è: 62,00 €.
6 disponibili
At a crucial moment for Mexican architecture, Manuel Cervantes, in this new volume of the Prospectiva series, introduces us to an architectural Mexico that is debating between tradition and modernity, between the formal and the informal, in a socio-political scenario that he describes as “complex and very delicate”.
The book brings together a careful selection of projects, developed at the level of plans and construction details, covering different scales and typologies, from urban interventions to object design.
Its pages unfold a panorama of architectural practices that, far from seeking stylistic homogeneity, celebrate diversity and cultural roots. The selected projects demonstrate how Mexican architects are finding creative ways to address contemporary issues without losing sight of their cultural heritage.
It includes works by both established and emerging architects, offering a balance of generations and approaches that enriches the dialogue and allows the reader to appreciate the evolution and continuity of certain ideas in Mexican architecture.
Finally, the book stands out for its focus on built projects, a decision that underscores the importance of the execution process in understanding Mexican reality. This emphasis on the tangible allows the reader to appreciate not only the ideas and concepts behind each project, but also their materialization in a challenging context.
Manuel Cervantes Céspedes
Juan Palomar
Fray Antonio Alcalde Walk
Rozana Montiel + Claudia Rodríguez
CIVAC Linear Park
Hugo Sánchez
Estudio MMX + Luis Campos
Campus CBG
Isaac Broid + Productora
Teopanzolco Cultural Center
Mauricio Rocha
Anahuacalli Museum. Remodeling and Expansion
Jorge Carlos Zoreda Novelo, Augusto Quijano Axle, Alejandro Vales García, Javier Muñoz Menéndez, Mario Peniche López
Yucatán Haciendas
Gabriela Carrillo
Cracks and Subsidence Observatory, Utopia Tecoloxtitla
Luis Aldrete
RM Residential Complex
Héctor Barroso
Cabo Sports Complex
Juan de la Barrera Complex
Amet. Ambrosi Etchegaray
IT Building
Reforma Tower
Estudio Macías Peredo + Alexanderson Arquitectos
Former College of San Diego de Alcalá
JCKP Juan Carral / Víctor Ebergenyi
Donceles Studios
Fernanda Canales
Pilares Iztapalapa
Carlos H. Matos
Monte House
Frida Escobedo
Serpentine Pavilion
Héctor Esrawe
Cartela Light Sculpture
Habitación 116
Lava Collection
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