82,00 € Il prezzo originale era: 82,00 €.73,00 €Il prezzo attuale è: 73,00 €.
5 disponibili
Featuring exquisite photographs of every structure the architect designed from scratch or incorporated into a historical building, this elegant volume is as sumptuous and inviting as a Scarpa interior.
Although he was not widely known during his lifetime, Carlo Scarpa has in the past-half century become one of the most revered of modern architects. His passion for integrating the ancient with the modern, the natural with the built environment, and the sensual qualities of glass, wood and stone, makes him the perfect architect for this moment, when the preservation of historic buildings and sensitivity to environmental impact is of supreme importance.
As authoritative as it is attractive, this book features balanced introduction to Scarpa’s work, weighing the opinions of both champions and critics of his work. More than 200 photographs and their accompanying illuminating texts capture the astounding beauty of Scarpa’s designs, allowing readers to experience the interplay of light, texture and line in a way that is second only to viewing the works in person.
Arguably the most definitive volume available on this consummate craftsman and artist, this book explores Scarpa’s lasting legacy of meticulous craftsmanship, respect for tradition, and a deep understanding of the relationship between architecture, nature, and human experience.
Emiliano Bugatti writes about the architecture and urbanism of Eastern and Southern Mediterranean Basin, from the early modern period to the modernization of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 2010, with the TEGET architectural firm in Istanbul he won the Izmir Opera house competition. Jale N. Erzen is a painter and art historian. She was formerly president of the International Association for Aesthetics and editor of the Turkish art journal Boyut. She was a recipient of the French Ministry of Culture’s Art and Letter Medal and has written on architecture for Turkish and international publications including Architect Sinan: An Aesthetic Analysis. Cemal Emden is an architect who specializes in photographing architecture, interior design, landscape and furniture. His photography has been widely published in magazines, books and exhibitions both in his home country of Turkey and throughout the world. His previous books include Le Courbusier: The Complete Buildings (Prestel, 2017) and The Essential Louis Kahn (Prestel, 2021).
82,00 € Il prezzo originale era: 82,00 €.73,00 €Il prezzo attuale è: 73,00 €.
5 disponibili
Featuring exquisite photographs of every structure the architect designed from scratch or incorporated into a historical building, this elegant volume is as sumptuous and inviting as a Scarpa interior.
Although he was not widely known during his lifetime, Carlo Scarpa has in the past-half century become one of the most revered of modern architects. His passion for integrating the ancient with the modern, the natural with the built environment, and the sensual qualities of glass, wood and stone, makes him the perfect architect for this moment, when the preservation of historic buildings and sensitivity to environmental impact is of supreme importance.
As authoritative as it is attractive, this book features balanced introduction to Scarpa’s work, weighing the opinions of both champions and critics of his work. More than 200 photographs and their accompanying illuminating texts capture the astounding beauty of Scarpa’s designs, allowing readers to experience the interplay of light, texture and line in a way that is second only to viewing the works in person.
Arguably the most definitive volume available on this consummate craftsman and artist, this book explores Scarpa’s lasting legacy of meticulous craftsmanship, respect for tradition, and a deep understanding of the relationship between architecture, nature, and human experience.
Emiliano Bugatti writes about the architecture and urbanism of Eastern and Southern Mediterranean Basin, from the early modern period to the modernization of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 2010, with the TEGET architectural firm in Istanbul he won the Izmir Opera house competition. Jale N. Erzen is a painter and art historian. She was formerly president of the International Association for Aesthetics and editor of the Turkish art journal Boyut. She was a recipient of the French Ministry of Culture’s Art and Letter Medal and has written on architecture for Turkish and international publications including Architect Sinan: An Aesthetic Analysis. Cemal Emden is an architect who specializes in photographing architecture, interior design, landscape and furniture. His photography has been widely published in magazines, books and exhibitions both in his home country of Turkey and throughout the world. His previous books include Le Courbusier: The Complete Buildings (Prestel, 2017) and The Essential Louis Kahn (Prestel, 2021).
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