
ANDREE PUTMAN. Complete Works



di Donald Albrecht

ANDREE PUTMAN. Complete Works

Indisputably the grande dame of modern design, Andrée Putman burst onto the scene twenty-five years ago with the graphic, black-and-white interiors of the Morgans Hotel in New York. Since then Putman has gone on to redefine design for a diverse group of prestigious clients, including Karl Lagerfeld, the French Ministry of Culture, and the interior of the supersonic Concorde. Projects since 1980 range from museum interiors, a jewelry line for Christofle, private residences for global trendsetters, and a film set for Peter Greenaway. Putman’s work is the epitome of chic, incorporating cashmere and leather with affordable ceramic tiles and industrial metals for interiors that speak volumes for Putman’s unmistakable style of quiet luxury. The same attention to detail is given to a simple necklace as to furniture collections, grand offices, and entire spa hotels. Putman is also credited for the revival of once-forgotten early modernist designers, such as Eileen Gray, Robert Mallet-Stevens, and Jean-Michel Frank, whose designs she put back into production and used in her famous interiors. The first comprehensive monograph on Putman’s essential designs in 20 years, Andrée Putman Complete Works will be an indispensable road map of style and elegance to all lovers of modern design.

> Donald Albrecht is the curator of architecture and design at the Museum of the City of New York. He prepared the first retrospective of the work of Eero Saarinen and the international traveling exhibition The Work of Charles and Ray Eames.

Jean Nouvel (Preface by) is an award-winning French architect.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 27,9×27,8
Pagine: 324
Immagini a colori: 275
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2009

ISBN: 9780847832460

NOTE: Pubblicazione in buone Condizioni

ANDREE PUTMAN. Complete Works



di Donald Albrecht

ANDREE PUTMAN. Complete Works

Indisputably the grande dame of modern design, Andrée Putman burst onto the scene twenty-five years ago with the graphic, black-and-white interiors of the Morgans Hotel in New York. Since then Putman has gone on to redefine design for a diverse group of prestigious clients, including Karl Lagerfeld, the French Ministry of Culture, and the interior of the supersonic Concorde. Projects since 1980 range from museum interiors, a jewelry line for Christofle, private residences for global trendsetters, and a film set for Peter Greenaway. Putman’s work is the epitome of chic, incorporating cashmere and leather with affordable ceramic tiles and industrial metals for interiors that speak volumes for Putman’s unmistakable style of quiet luxury. The same attention to detail is given to a simple necklace as to furniture collections, grand offices, and entire spa hotels. Putman is also credited for the revival of once-forgotten early modernist designers, such as Eileen Gray, Robert Mallet-Stevens, and Jean-Michel Frank, whose designs she put back into production and used in her famous interiors. The first comprehensive monograph on Putman’s essential designs in 20 years, Andrée Putman Complete Works will be an indispensable road map of style and elegance to all lovers of modern design.

> Donald Albrecht is the curator of architecture and design at the Museum of the City of New York. He prepared the first retrospective of the work of Eero Saarinen and the international traveling exhibition The Work of Charles and Ray Eames.

Jean Nouvel (Preface by) is an award-winning French architect.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 27,9×27,8
Pagine: 324
Immagini a colori: 275
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2009

ISBN: 9780847832460

NOTE: Pubblicazione in buone Condizioni


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