Architecture in the United States has faced sweeping changes over the last twenty years, brought on by trends such as digital design, globalisation, and social design. Members of each the six featured practices have experienced these shifts in their formative years. Perhaps owing to improved accessibility of information and networking, their approach to architecture seems different from previous generations. While pursuing their own interests and affinities, they share a collective consciousness, form networks, and collaborate with peers in the same or different fields. With Office Kovacs, Bureau Spectacular, The LADG, Ellie Abrons, Mark Foster Gage Architects, and Young & Ayata.
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×30
Pagine: 184
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: J-GB
Anno: 2017
ISSN: 03899160-560
Essay: On the Far Side of Disconnection (Toshiki Hirano)
Conversation: American Architecture (Michael Meredith, Andrew Kovacs, Jimenez Lai)
Office Kovacs
Interview: Making Architecture from Architecture
Andrew Kovacs
Archive of Affinities
Proposal for The Lima Art Museum (MALI)
Proposal for Downtown Alleys
Proposal for the Revitalization of Plaza de España
Proposal for Social Condensers
Proposal for Collective Living (Bust of Medusa)
Proposal for a Dog Park
Proposal for Järfälla Login Gate, A Horizontally Expanding Conglomerate
Bureau Spectacular
Interview: Toward the Spectacular
Bureau Spectacular (Jimenez Lai)
Cave Painting VIII
Tower of Twelve Stories
PS1 Pool Party
Citizen of No Place
Cartoonish Metropolis
Museum is More
Beachside Lonelyhearts
Township of Domestic Parts Made in Taiwan
Three Little Worlds
Another Primitive Hut
Interview: Producing Alternatives for Now and Beyond Storefront for Art and Architecture (Eva Franch)
Interview: Things with a Life of Their Own
The LADG (Andrew Holder, Claus Benjamin Freyinger)
The Kid Gets out of the Picture at the GSD
House in Los Angeles
Forty-Eight Characters
The Oyster Gourmet
Restaurant in Los Angeles
Chicago Kiosk
Interview: Hotbed of Architectural Innovation Materials & Applications (Jia Gu)
Ellie Abrons
Interview: Material Misuse
Ellie Abrons
Another Rock
Inside Things
Peep Peep
Mirror Mirror
Detroit Reassembly Plant
Interview: Beyond the Boundary between Architecture and Art Jai & Jai Gallery (Jaitip Srisomburananont, Jomjai Srisomburananont)
Mark Foster Gage Architects
Interview: Towards an Inexhaustible Architecture
Mark Foster Gage
Tower on West 57th Street
Proposal for Guggenheim Helsinki
Nicola Formichetti Store, New York
Proposal for The Lima Art Museum (MALI)
Proposal for National Center for Science and Innovation Residence and Automotive Collection in Ad Diriyah
House on Ile Rene Levasseur
Young & Ayata
Interview: The Aesthetics of the Estranged Object
Young & Ayata (Michael Young, Kutan Ayata)
Base Flowers
Proposal for Bauhaus Museum Dessau
Proposal for Guggenheim Helsinki
Proposla for Busan Opera House
Proposal for The Lima Art Museum (MALI)
Wall Reveal
Cône de Cadavre Exquis
Architecture in the United States has faced sweeping changes over the last twenty years, brought on by trends such as digital design, globalisation, and social design. Members of each the six featured practices have experienced these shifts in their formative years. Perhaps owing to improved accessibility of information and networking, their approach to architecture seems different from previous generations. While pursuing their own interests and affinities, they share a collective consciousness, form networks, and collaborate with peers in the same or different fields. With Office Kovacs, Bureau Spectacular, The LADG, Ellie Abrons, Mark Foster Gage Architects, and Young & Ayata.
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×30
Pagine: 184
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: J-GB
Anno: 2017
ISSN: 03899160-560
Essay: On the Far Side of Disconnection (Toshiki Hirano)
Conversation: American Architecture (Michael Meredith, Andrew Kovacs, Jimenez Lai)
Office Kovacs
Interview: Making Architecture from Architecture
Andrew Kovacs
Archive of Affinities
Proposal for The Lima Art Museum (MALI)
Proposal for Downtown Alleys
Proposal for the Revitalization of Plaza de España
Proposal for Social Condensers
Proposal for Collective Living (Bust of Medusa)
Proposal for a Dog Park
Proposal for Järfälla Login Gate, A Horizontally Expanding Conglomerate
Bureau Spectacular
Interview: Toward the Spectacular
Bureau Spectacular (Jimenez Lai)
Cave Painting VIII
Tower of Twelve Stories
PS1 Pool Party
Citizen of No Place
Cartoonish Metropolis
Museum is More
Beachside Lonelyhearts
Township of Domestic Parts Made in Taiwan
Three Little Worlds
Another Primitive Hut
Interview: Producing Alternatives for Now and Beyond Storefront for Art and Architecture (Eva Franch)
Interview: Things with a Life of Their Own
The LADG (Andrew Holder, Claus Benjamin Freyinger)
The Kid Gets out of the Picture at the GSD
House in Los Angeles
Forty-Eight Characters
The Oyster Gourmet
Restaurant in Los Angeles
Chicago Kiosk
Interview: Hotbed of Architectural Innovation Materials & Applications (Jia Gu)
Ellie Abrons
Interview: Material Misuse
Ellie Abrons
Another Rock
Inside Things
Peep Peep
Mirror Mirror
Detroit Reassembly Plant
Interview: Beyond the Boundary between Architecture and Art Jai & Jai Gallery (Jaitip Srisomburananont, Jomjai Srisomburananont)
Mark Foster Gage Architects
Interview: Towards an Inexhaustible Architecture
Mark Foster Gage
Tower on West 57th Street
Proposal for Guggenheim Helsinki
Nicola Formichetti Store, New York
Proposal for The Lima Art Museum (MALI)
Proposal for National Center for Science and Innovation Residence and Automotive Collection in Ad Diriyah
House on Ile Rene Levasseur
Young & Ayata
Interview: The Aesthetics of the Estranged Object
Young & Ayata (Michael Young, Kutan Ayata)
Base Flowers
Proposal for Bauhaus Museum Dessau
Proposal for Guggenheim Helsinki
Proposla for Busan Opera House
Proposal for The Lima Art Museum (MALI)
Wall Reveal
Cône de Cadavre Exquis
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