Despite its professional success, the younger generation of Swiss architects is having difficulty making its mark against the background of the highly renowned, iconic endurance of familiar names whose careers began decades ago. But thanks to a well-organised competition system, young offices often receive building commissions, and the perception of Swiss architecture is becoming remarkably broader today. Together with Andreas Ruby, director of the Swiss Architecture Museum, this issue addresses the working possibilities for the emerging generation along with a selection of new projects by Angela Deuber, Rahbaran Hürzeler, HHF Architects, Inches Gelata, and others.
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 22×29
Pagine: 200
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: J-GB
Anno: 2019
ISBN: 9784900212305
Essay: Swiss Architecture Does Not Exist (Andreas Ruby)
Chur, Lucerne, Zurich
Angela Deuber Architect: School Building in Thal / Palazzo del Cinema in Locarno / Conversion of a Late Medieval House in Stuls
Raphael Zuber: Schoolhouse and Kindergarten Grono / Apartment Building, Domat/Ems
AM Architects: Rotkreuz Highlife / House of Trash
Duplex Architects: More Than Living, Hunziker Areal, Zurich /Buchegg Estate Zurich
Rahbaran Hürzeler Architects: Movable House / House for Two Musicians and Music Pavilion / Engelberg Primary School
Sauter von Moos: Villa Hammer / Housing Studio Basel / Feldberg Apartments
HHF Architects: Poissy Galore / House H / Lichtstrasse
Geneva, Monthey, Sion, Locarno
BUREAU (Daniel Zamarbide) with Leopold Banchini Architects: The Club / Shelter / Antoine
GayMenze: Chalet Wermeille / Maisons Duc / Hasler Hall
Mijong Architects: Transformation of a Mayen
Inches Geleta: Pioda Residence / MeCrì Museum Pavilion
Essay Series, vol. 5: Philosophy of the Tree (Suguru Kanata)
Despite its professional success, the younger generation of Swiss architects is having difficulty making its mark against the background of the highly renowned, iconic endurance of familiar names whose careers began decades ago. But thanks to a well-organised competition system, young offices often receive building commissions, and the perception of Swiss architecture is becoming remarkably broader today. Together with Andreas Ruby, director of the Swiss Architecture Museum, this issue addresses the working possibilities for the emerging generation along with a selection of new projects by Angela Deuber, Rahbaran Hürzeler, HHF Architects, Inches Gelata, and others.
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 22×29
Pagine: 200
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: J-GB
Anno: 2019
ISBN: 9784900212305
Essay: Swiss Architecture Does Not Exist (Andreas Ruby)
Chur, Lucerne, Zurich
Angela Deuber Architect: School Building in Thal / Palazzo del Cinema in Locarno / Conversion of a Late Medieval House in Stuls
Raphael Zuber: Schoolhouse and Kindergarten Grono / Apartment Building, Domat/Ems
AM Architects: Rotkreuz Highlife / House of Trash
Duplex Architects: More Than Living, Hunziker Areal, Zurich /Buchegg Estate Zurich
Rahbaran Hürzeler Architects: Movable House / House for Two Musicians and Music Pavilion / Engelberg Primary School
Sauter von Moos: Villa Hammer / Housing Studio Basel / Feldberg Apartments
HHF Architects: Poissy Galore / House H / Lichtstrasse
Geneva, Monthey, Sion, Locarno
BUREAU (Daniel Zamarbide) with Leopold Banchini Architects: The Club / Shelter / Antoine
GayMenze: Chalet Wermeille / Maisons Duc / Hasler Hall
Mijong Architects: Transformation of a Mayen
Inches Geleta: Pioda Residence / MeCrì Museum Pavilion
Essay Series, vol. 5: Philosophy of the Tree (Suguru Kanata)
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