di Richard Mesa
The book is a collection of corrugated paper packaging & structure design solutions. They are not only easy-to-carry packages; they are designed to be unconventional bags/boxes with impressive graphics to communicate message of the brand. Corrugated paper packaging plays an important role in establishing brand identity, and is inevitably associated with brand image and attraction. The book will draw you into an exhibition of outstanding corrugated paper packaging designs. The packaging structures are presented with expanded views to give reference for the professionals.
> Richars Meza studied graphic design and advertising at Toulouse Lautrec Institute and IPP in Lima. He started his career working for the renown graphic design consultancy Studioa/Interbrand, Axis and the largest advertising agency at that time in Peru, Causa/Leo Burnett. He moved to New York City in 1989 to study interactive design and animation at Pratt Institute where he worked for the interactive agency Oven Digital (where he won a Gold Pencil at One Show Interactive 2000), the corporate design firm Siegel Gale, and the advertising & design agency Blue Dingo. After four years in New York City, he moved to Tokyo to work as an Art Director for the interactive studio Insentiv Media, designing art works for Nikon, Mazda, Mitsubishi Electric, Tosoh, Fuji Xerox and Toyota. In 2003 he relocated to Madrid to co found a design company to be in charge of the creative direction, working for the Spanish film industry and other cultural institutions.
Veste editoriale: Softcover
Formato: 17×24
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-bn:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018
ISBN: 9781912268252
di Richard Mesa
The book is a collection of corrugated paper packaging & structure design solutions. They are not only easy-to-carry packages; they are designed to be unconventional bags/boxes with impressive graphics to communicate message of the brand. Corrugated paper packaging plays an important role in establishing brand identity, and is inevitably associated with brand image and attraction. The book will draw you into an exhibition of outstanding corrugated paper packaging designs. The packaging structures are presented with expanded views to give reference for the professionals.
> Richars Meza studied graphic design and advertising at Toulouse Lautrec Institute and IPP in Lima. He started his career working for the renown graphic design consultancy Studioa/Interbrand, Axis and the largest advertising agency at that time in Peru, Causa/Leo Burnett. He moved to New York City in 1989 to study interactive design and animation at Pratt Institute where he worked for the interactive agency Oven Digital (where he won a Gold Pencil at One Show Interactive 2000), the corporate design firm Siegel Gale, and the advertising & design agency Blue Dingo. After four years in New York City, he moved to Tokyo to work as an Art Director for the interactive studio Insentiv Media, designing art works for Nikon, Mazda, Mitsubishi Electric, Tosoh, Fuji Xerox and Toyota. In 2003 he relocated to Madrid to co found a design company to be in charge of the creative direction, working for the Spanish film industry and other cultural institutions.
Veste editoriale: Softcover
Formato: 17×24
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-bn:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018
ISBN: 9781912268252
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