
CESAR PELLI. Life in Architecture


a cura di Michael J.Crosbie

  • Showcasing one of the world’s leading architectures, Cesar Pelli, this book is beautifully packaged and designed, and richly illustrated with insightful commentary from Michael J. Crosbie, Ph.D., FAIA, and several other key industry heavyweights in the field, such as Berto González Montaner, Managing Editor of ARQ, architect John J. Casbarian, and architectural critic, John Pastier
  • This book harnesses the extraordinary thinking and cultural philosophies behind Cesar Pelli’s creative work – through his firm Pelli Cesar Pelli Architects – and how he generates results in award-winning, sophisticated and compelling design
  • Projects featured include retail and mixed-use projects, libraries and museums, academic buildings, research centres, residences and master plans
  • This book is a highly inspirational reference title for those in the architecture, urban planning and design industries

This new monograph celebrates the creative accomplishments of one of the world’s most influential architects, Cesar Pelli. The book surveys this extraordinary body of work in terms of the AIA’s Gold Medalist’s design, architecture, and planning, tracing Pelli s motivation as a leading designer and teacher, and the evolution of his work over the span of half a century. More than 50 projects from around the globe – museums, theaters, offices, laboratories, airports, cultural centers, civic works, master plans – are presented in rich full color with insights from Pelli that delve into the design and construction of these landmarks from a practice that has thrived for nearly 40 years.

Cesar Pelli, FAIA, founded the firm in 1977, the year he became dean of the Yale University School of Architecture. He has designed buildings around the globe, and his work has won numerous awards internationally. In 1995, the American Institute of Architects bestowed upon Pelli the AIA Gold Medal the Institute’s highest honor. Pelli has written extensively on architectural issues, authoring the book Observations for Young Architects in 1999, and has lectured at architecture schools, professional and public gatherings, and at symposia around the world.

> Michael J. Crosbie, FAIA is Professor of Architecture at the University of Hartford and editor-in-chief of Faith & Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art, and Architecture. Dr. Crosbie is the author of or contributor to more than forty books on architecture, design, and practice and has written hundreds of articles published internationally. He lectures on architecture throughout the United States and abroad. A registered architect, Dr. Crosbie was the Walton Visiting Critic at The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning in 2015.

– Contributing Authors: John Pastier, John J. Casbarian, FAIA, Berto González Montaner, Fred W. Clarke, FAIA.+

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,3×26,5
Pagine: 754
Immagini a colori: 1000
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB 
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9781864706932

CESAR PELLI. Life in Architecture


a cura di Michael J.Crosbie

  • Showcasing one of the world’s leading architectures, Cesar Pelli, this book is beautifully packaged and designed, and richly illustrated with insightful commentary from Michael J. Crosbie, Ph.D., FAIA, and several other key industry heavyweights in the field, such as Berto González Montaner, Managing Editor of ARQ, architect John J. Casbarian, and architectural critic, John Pastier
  • This book harnesses the extraordinary thinking and cultural philosophies behind Cesar Pelli’s creative work – through his firm Pelli Cesar Pelli Architects – and how he generates results in award-winning, sophisticated and compelling design
  • Projects featured include retail and mixed-use projects, libraries and museums, academic buildings, research centres, residences and master plans
  • This book is a highly inspirational reference title for those in the architecture, urban planning and design industries

This new monograph celebrates the creative accomplishments of one of the world’s most influential architects, Cesar Pelli. The book surveys this extraordinary body of work in terms of the AIA’s Gold Medalist’s design, architecture, and planning, tracing Pelli s motivation as a leading designer and teacher, and the evolution of his work over the span of half a century. More than 50 projects from around the globe – museums, theaters, offices, laboratories, airports, cultural centers, civic works, master plans – are presented in rich full color with insights from Pelli that delve into the design and construction of these landmarks from a practice that has thrived for nearly 40 years.

Cesar Pelli, FAIA, founded the firm in 1977, the year he became dean of the Yale University School of Architecture. He has designed buildings around the globe, and his work has won numerous awards internationally. In 1995, the American Institute of Architects bestowed upon Pelli the AIA Gold Medal the Institute’s highest honor. Pelli has written extensively on architectural issues, authoring the book Observations for Young Architects in 1999, and has lectured at architecture schools, professional and public gatherings, and at symposia around the world.

> Michael J. Crosbie, FAIA is Professor of Architecture at the University of Hartford and editor-in-chief of Faith & Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art, and Architecture. Dr. Crosbie is the author of or contributor to more than forty books on architecture, design, and practice and has written hundreds of articles published internationally. He lectures on architecture throughout the United States and abroad. A registered architect, Dr. Crosbie was the Walton Visiting Critic at The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning in 2015.

– Contributing Authors: John Pastier, John J. Casbarian, FAIA, Berto González Montaner, Fred W. Clarke, FAIA.+

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,3×26,5
Pagine: 754
Immagini a colori: 1000
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB 
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9781864706932


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