


A bold and fashionable look at the iconic golds of Yves Saint Laurent—in jewelry, couture, and accessories—from the 1960s to the 2000s

I love gold, it’s a magical color; when reflecting a woman, it’s the color of the sun.

As the official catalogue of the Gold, les ors d’Yves Saint Laurent exhibition in Paris, this stunning book presents the couture, jewelry, and accessories inspired by the golds of Yves Saint Laurent from the 1960s to the 2000s. This eye-catching metalhas been featured heavily throughout the entirety of the designer’s work: from the very first buttons adorning his pea coats to dresses that appear entirely fashioned from gold, no collection escaped the couturier’s “golden” touch.

This heavily illustrated and photographed book in full color presents Saint Laurent’s exquisite designs as we follow the thread of gold throughout his collections, offering special insight into the work and intricate techniques used to make the brocades, laces, lamés, leathers, and embroideries of YSL shine. Curated by Elsa Janssen, the director of the legendary Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris, and fashion historian Yvane Jacob, Yves Saint Laurent: Gold draws on a large number of archival documents, interviews, and other resources such as films and shows, presenting how the cultural, artistic, and social contexts of the time, especially the women’s rights movement, resulted in these timeless designs. From the jeweled dress designed for his Autumn/Winter 1966 collection and photographed by David Bailey, to the sequined dresses worn by Zizi Jeanmaire and Catherine Deneuve, Gold sparkles as it conjures up the true treasures of Saint Laurent’s legacy and spirit.

Elsa Janssen is the director of the legendary Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris. Yvane Jacob is a renowned fashion historian and journalist. Anna Klossowski is the talented daughter of the model Loulou de la Falaise.



A bold and fashionable look at the iconic golds of Yves Saint Laurent—in jewelry, couture, and accessories—from the 1960s to the 2000s

I love gold, it’s a magical color; when reflecting a woman, it’s the color of the sun.

As the official catalogue of the Gold, les ors d’Yves Saint Laurent exhibition in Paris, this stunning book presents the couture, jewelry, and accessories inspired by the golds of Yves Saint Laurent from the 1960s to the 2000s. This eye-catching metalhas been featured heavily throughout the entirety of the designer’s work: from the very first buttons adorning his pea coats to dresses that appear entirely fashioned from gold, no collection escaped the couturier’s “golden” touch.

This heavily illustrated and photographed book in full color presents Saint Laurent’s exquisite designs as we follow the thread of gold throughout his collections, offering special insight into the work and intricate techniques used to make the brocades, laces, lamés, leathers, and embroideries of YSL shine. Curated by Elsa Janssen, the director of the legendary Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris, and fashion historian Yvane Jacob, Yves Saint Laurent: Gold draws on a large number of archival documents, interviews, and other resources such as films and shows, presenting how the cultural, artistic, and social contexts of the time, especially the women’s rights movement, resulted in these timeless designs. From the jeweled dress designed for his Autumn/Winter 1966 collection and photographed by David Bailey, to the sequined dresses worn by Zizi Jeanmaire and Catherine Deneuve, Gold sparkles as it conjures up the true treasures of Saint Laurent’s legacy and spirit.

Elsa Janssen is the director of the legendary Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris. Yvane Jacob is a renowned fashion historian and journalist. Anna Klossowski is the talented daughter of the model Loulou de la Falaise.


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