



With the progress of urbanisation worldwide, the conflict between architecture and green areas in the urban context is becoming increasingly pressing. The concept of integrated landscape arises as an important approach to increase green areas while not occupying valuable inner city lands, and thus finds its way in more and more cities around the world. The book focuses on the theme of integrated landscape, addressing its two main categories respectively green walls and rooftop gardens. Thirty-nine cutting-edge projects are selected to present the latest trends in landscape design. Graham Cleary, executive of Green Roofs Australasia and an accredited green roof professional, is invited to be chief editor of the book, in which integrated landscape design is discussed in detail, while technical key issues such as plant selection, irrigation systems and maintenance are involved.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 22,5×28,5
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014

ISBN: 9789881296719

Graham Cleary founded Natural Habitats in 1978 in Auckland as a fledgling design build company under the mentorship of the city s then only Landscape Architect. Graham has worked on and led many outstanding landscape projects in the South Pacific, including resorts, golf courses, commercial projects and exquisite private estates & homes. Under his leadership, Natural Habitats has grown to be the leading provider of integrated landscape management within Australasia. Graham demonstrates coherent leadership of multi-disciplinary teams in order to achieve the innovative, high-quality outcomes that Natural Habitats is renowned for. Graham is also at the forefront of thinking on the use of natural systems to mitigate urban development issues. He played an essential role in Natural Habitats pioneering green roofs and wall technology within New Zealand. Graham has served as consultant and advisor to numerous landscape design and environmental groups. He is a founding member of Landscaping New Zealand, an accredited Green Roof Professional, an executive of Green Roofs Australasia, an associate of KEA, part of the Great Barrier Trust, a member of Forest & Bird and of the Native Forest Restoration Trust.”




With the progress of urbanisation worldwide, the conflict between architecture and green areas in the urban context is becoming increasingly pressing. The concept of integrated landscape arises as an important approach to increase green areas while not occupying valuable inner city lands, and thus finds its way in more and more cities around the world. The book focuses on the theme of integrated landscape, addressing its two main categories respectively green walls and rooftop gardens. Thirty-nine cutting-edge projects are selected to present the latest trends in landscape design. Graham Cleary, executive of Green Roofs Australasia and an accredited green roof professional, is invited to be chief editor of the book, in which integrated landscape design is discussed in detail, while technical key issues such as plant selection, irrigation systems and maintenance are involved.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 22,5×28,5
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014

ISBN: 9789881296719

Graham Cleary founded Natural Habitats in 1978 in Auckland as a fledgling design build company under the mentorship of the city s then only Landscape Architect. Graham has worked on and led many outstanding landscape projects in the South Pacific, including resorts, golf courses, commercial projects and exquisite private estates & homes. Under his leadership, Natural Habitats has grown to be the leading provider of integrated landscape management within Australasia. Graham demonstrates coherent leadership of multi-disciplinary teams in order to achieve the innovative, high-quality outcomes that Natural Habitats is renowned for. Graham is also at the forefront of thinking on the use of natural systems to mitigate urban development issues. He played an essential role in Natural Habitats pioneering green roofs and wall technology within New Zealand. Graham has served as consultant and advisor to numerous landscape design and environmental groups. He is a founding member of Landscaping New Zealand, an accredited Green Roof Professional, an executive of Green Roofs Australasia, an associate of KEA, part of the Great Barrier Trust, a member of Forest & Bird and of the Native Forest Restoration Trust.”


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