In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 72,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 69,00 €.

di Emanuel Christ – Christoph Gantenbein – Victoria Easton

TYPOLOGY 2. Paris, Delhi, São Paulo, Athens. Review No. III

  • The sequel to the successful Typology ISBN 9783906027012, featuring 180 buildings in four different metropolises on three continents
  • Uses the same highly acclaimed clear and use-orientated presentation for the information provided
  • Christ & Gantenbein’s approach to developing urban architectural designs is of high practical value to students, teachers and practitioners alike


Typology 2 follows up on the preceding and successful Typology, published in 2012. Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein together with their teaching staff and students at ETH Zurich expanded their research on building typology to four more metropolises, again in Europe, Latin America, and Asia: Paris, Delhi, Sao Paulo, and Athens. 180 buildings were analysed over the past two years to find inspiration and models that can be adapted for the local context of any given city. Each example is documented with an image, site and floor plans, axonometric projection, key data, and a brief description. An introduction and four essays on the interaction between various protagonists and in particular the effect of governing local building regulation again show the potential for contemporary urban architecture. The result is again a rich sourcebook of great practical value for students, lecturers and practitioners of architecture. Essays by the authors, and Anupam Bansal and Philippe Simon.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24,5×32,5
Pagine: 228
Immagini a colori: 57
Immagini b/n: 805
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2020

ISBN: 9783906027630

Emanuel Christ, born 1970, graduated from ETH Zurich in 1998 and is one of the principals of Basel-based Christ & Gantenbein Architetcs. He has also been an assistant professor for architecture at ETH Zurich since 2010. Christoph Gantenbein, born 1971, took his degree in architecture at ETH Zurich in 1998 and is one of the principals of Basel-based Christ & Gantenbein Architects. He has also been an assistant professor for architecture at ETH Zurich since 2010. Victoria Easton, born 1981, graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich and works as a research associate with Christ & Gantenbein Architects in Basel and at the Chair of Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein at ETH Zurich since 2010.

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 72,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 69,00 €.

di Emanuel Christ – Christoph Gantenbein – Victoria Easton

TYPOLOGY 2. Paris, Delhi, São Paulo, Athens. Review No. III

  • The sequel to the successful Typology ISBN 9783906027012, featuring 180 buildings in four different metropolises on three continents
  • Uses the same highly acclaimed clear and use-orientated presentation for the information provided
  • Christ & Gantenbein’s approach to developing urban architectural designs is of high practical value to students, teachers and practitioners alike


Typology 2 follows up on the preceding and successful Typology, published in 2012. Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein together with their teaching staff and students at ETH Zurich expanded their research on building typology to four more metropolises, again in Europe, Latin America, and Asia: Paris, Delhi, Sao Paulo, and Athens. 180 buildings were analysed over the past two years to find inspiration and models that can be adapted for the local context of any given city. Each example is documented with an image, site and floor plans, axonometric projection, key data, and a brief description. An introduction and four essays on the interaction between various protagonists and in particular the effect of governing local building regulation again show the potential for contemporary urban architecture. The result is again a rich sourcebook of great practical value for students, lecturers and practitioners of architecture. Essays by the authors, and Anupam Bansal and Philippe Simon.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24,5×32,5
Pagine: 228
Immagini a colori: 57
Immagini b/n: 805
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2020

ISBN: 9783906027630

Emanuel Christ, born 1970, graduated from ETH Zurich in 1998 and is one of the principals of Basel-based Christ & Gantenbein Architetcs. He has also been an assistant professor for architecture at ETH Zurich since 2010. Christoph Gantenbein, born 1971, took his degree in architecture at ETH Zurich in 1998 and is one of the principals of Basel-based Christ & Gantenbein Architects. He has also been an assistant professor for architecture at ETH Zurich since 2010. Victoria Easton, born 1981, graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich and works as a research associate with Christ & Gantenbein Architects in Basel and at the Chair of Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein at ETH Zurich since 2010.


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