Henry Bourne’s photographs of the residences and workspaces of a who’s who of creative people open windows onto the groundbreaking design approaches and trends of the last three decades.
For nearly thirty years, Bourne has been photographing the residences and studios of, or those designed by, some of the world’s most important artists, architects, designers, and innovators. Culture and society are constantly evolving, and changes, both aesthetic and sociological, are reflected in our physical surroundings. Spaces and portraits in this volume range from the Upstate New York studio of artist Richard Prince, Vincent Van Duysen’s early apartment in Antwerp, and Marc Newson’s residences (his modern former bachelor pad as well as the more textured apartment he shares with Charlotte Stockdale today) to the joyfully chaotic London atelier of artist Paula Rego, the Villa Volpi by architect Tomaso Buzzi near Rome, the London studio of artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster—before and after its sleek renovation, designed by architect David Adjaye.
Creative director Peter Saville’s sleek London apartment captures the essence of the 1990s, while the homes of both architect Zaha Hadid and minimalist master John Pawson are self-portraits in design. This book is a collection of the mainly personal spaces and portraits of luminaries at the turn of the twenty-first century, depicting the contradictory yet stimulating language of contemporary design: stylish and functional, maximalist and minimalist, opulent and understated.
Photographs by Henry Bourne / Text by Robin Muir and Pilar Viladas and Jane Withers
Henry Bourne is a photographer known for his work in portraiture, architecture, and still life. He is a regular contributor to numerous publications including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, T: The New York Times Style Magazine and The World of Interiors. Robin Muir is a photographic historian, curator, and a contributing editor at British Vogue. Pilar Viladas is a design writer, editor, and consultant. She has worked at T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Architectural Digest, and other magazines. Jane Withers is a leading design consultant, curator, and writer.
Henry Bourne’s photographs of the residences and workspaces of a who’s who of creative people open windows onto the groundbreaking design approaches and trends of the last three decades.
For nearly thirty years, Bourne has been photographing the residences and studios of, or those designed by, some of the world’s most important artists, architects, designers, and innovators. Culture and society are constantly evolving, and changes, both aesthetic and sociological, are reflected in our physical surroundings. Spaces and portraits in this volume range from the Upstate New York studio of artist Richard Prince, Vincent Van Duysen’s early apartment in Antwerp, and Marc Newson’s residences (his modern former bachelor pad as well as the more textured apartment he shares with Charlotte Stockdale today) to the joyfully chaotic London atelier of artist Paula Rego, the Villa Volpi by architect Tomaso Buzzi near Rome, the London studio of artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster—before and after its sleek renovation, designed by architect David Adjaye.
Creative director Peter Saville’s sleek London apartment captures the essence of the 1990s, while the homes of both architect Zaha Hadid and minimalist master John Pawson are self-portraits in design. This book is a collection of the mainly personal spaces and portraits of luminaries at the turn of the twenty-first century, depicting the contradictory yet stimulating language of contemporary design: stylish and functional, maximalist and minimalist, opulent and understated.
Photographs by Henry Bourne / Text by Robin Muir and Pilar Viladas and Jane Withers
Henry Bourne is a photographer known for his work in portraiture, architecture, and still life. He is a regular contributor to numerous publications including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, T: The New York Times Style Magazine and The World of Interiors. Robin Muir is a photographic historian, curator, and a contributing editor at British Vogue. Pilar Viladas is a design writer, editor, and consultant. She has worked at T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Architectural Digest, and other magazines. Jane Withers is a leading design consultant, curator, and writer.
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