


di Klaus Merkel

For over thirty years Klaus Merkel has been photo- graphing stones, rocky landscapes, and trees that he combines in pairs of images. He portrays the astounding harmony between the animate and the inanimate, between natural and designed manifestations. His previous publication Album of Stones featured Milan Cathedral’s forest of figures and pinnacles next to the sandstone columns of Utah’s Bryce Canyon. In the same way, Trees like Stones presents fascinating connections between natural forms and artwork, such as the millennia-old bristlecone pines in Nevada’s Great Basin National Park and the decaying stupa temples of Burma. The book thus invites the reader to examine and compare the manifold similarities of diverse structures, whether between a petrified wandering dune and a gaping trunk of an olive tree in Agrigento, Italy, or between a mushroom rock in the Libyan desert and a Namibian quiver tree.

> Klaus Merkel. Born in 1940. Studied Archaeology and Art History at Munich University. Studied painting at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Berlin.1965- 78: indipendent artist in Mexico and Spain. In Berlin since 1978. Lives in Berlin and in Diessen am Ammersee. 1977: first photographic works.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24×30
Pagine: 120
Immagini b/n: 94
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9783037782729



di Klaus Merkel

For over thirty years Klaus Merkel has been photo- graphing stones, rocky landscapes, and trees that he combines in pairs of images. He portrays the astounding harmony between the animate and the inanimate, between natural and designed manifestations. His previous publication Album of Stones featured Milan Cathedral’s forest of figures and pinnacles next to the sandstone columns of Utah’s Bryce Canyon. In the same way, Trees like Stones presents fascinating connections between natural forms and artwork, such as the millennia-old bristlecone pines in Nevada’s Great Basin National Park and the decaying stupa temples of Burma. The book thus invites the reader to examine and compare the manifold similarities of diverse structures, whether between a petrified wandering dune and a gaping trunk of an olive tree in Agrigento, Italy, or between a mushroom rock in the Libyan desert and a Namibian quiver tree.

> Klaus Merkel. Born in 1940. Studied Archaeology and Art History at Munich University. Studied painting at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Berlin.1965- 78: indipendent artist in Mexico and Spain. In Berlin since 1978. Lives in Berlin and in Diessen am Ammersee. 1977: first photographic works.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24×30
Pagine: 120
Immagini b/n: 94
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9783037782729


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