A debut book from award-winning designer Nina Farmer, known for her sophisticated eye and interiors that are elegant, comfortable, and timeless.
Designer Nina Farmer has made a name for herself with her classically beautiful interiors. From reimagining century-old homes to more modern dwellings, Farmer has a way of creating looks that celebrate the past and simultaneously live squarely—and stylishly—in the present. In these pages, Farmer introduces readers to the design solutions she has found for creating that special combination: a carefully curated mix of the classic and the contemporary that looks like it was collected over time rather than created all at once.
The book features nine projects, including a stone-walled 1930s colonial in Westport, Connecticut, a mid-century–inspired beach bungalow on Martha’s Vineyard, and Farmer’s own 1850s Federal-style brownstone in Boston’s Beacon Hill. The book is rounded out with a series of informative essays on the key elements of Farmer’s look, including creating a sense of place, the importance of travel, and collecting art.
Ultimately the book illustrates how thoughtful, considered design can give new life to any home, and, in doing so, inspires readers to do the same.
The recipient of the New York School of Interior Design’s prestigious Rising Star Award, Nina Farmer and her striking body of work have been featured in Architectural Digest, Marie Claire Maison, and House Beautiful. She is the recipient of New England Home’s 5 Under 40 Award as well as a member of the 1stDibs 50 list. She lives in Beacon Hill with her family. Mitchell Owens (Foreword by) is the American editor of World of Interiors, contributing editor at Architectural Digest, and host of Indagare Travel.
A debut book from award-winning designer Nina Farmer, known for her sophisticated eye and interiors that are elegant, comfortable, and timeless.
Designer Nina Farmer has made a name for herself with her classically beautiful interiors. From reimagining century-old homes to more modern dwellings, Farmer has a way of creating looks that celebrate the past and simultaneously live squarely—and stylishly—in the present. In these pages, Farmer introduces readers to the design solutions she has found for creating that special combination: a carefully curated mix of the classic and the contemporary that looks like it was collected over time rather than created all at once.
The book features nine projects, including a stone-walled 1930s colonial in Westport, Connecticut, a mid-century–inspired beach bungalow on Martha’s Vineyard, and Farmer’s own 1850s Federal-style brownstone in Boston’s Beacon Hill. The book is rounded out with a series of informative essays on the key elements of Farmer’s look, including creating a sense of place, the importance of travel, and collecting art.
Ultimately the book illustrates how thoughtful, considered design can give new life to any home, and, in doing so, inspires readers to do the same.
The recipient of the New York School of Interior Design’s prestigious Rising Star Award, Nina Farmer and her striking body of work have been featured in Architectural Digest, Marie Claire Maison, and House Beautiful. She is the recipient of New England Home’s 5 Under 40 Award as well as a member of the 1stDibs 50 list. She lives in Beacon Hill with her family. Mitchell Owens (Foreword by) is the American editor of World of Interiors, contributing editor at Architectural Digest, and host of Indagare Travel.
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