


1 disponibili

a cura di Robert KlantenAnna Sinofzik

THE STILL LIFE. In Product Presentation and Editorial Design

Still life is a classic back in bloom. The Still Life showcases the evolution of this age-old genre in striking product portraiture by some of today’s most imaginative photographers, designers, and stylists.

In contrast with the immobility of the objects it depicts, still life has been speedily making a comeback onto contemporary platforms—from glossy magazines to Instagram feeds. This book showcases new directions in product portraiture by some of our time’s most imaginative photographers, designers, and stylists.

Still life staples such as dead game and fruit bowls can still be seen in today’s of-the-moment arrangements, but they are now presented alongside the latest fashion accessories or luxury gadgets. The elaborate tabletops, collages, installations, and photographic illustrations featured in The Still Life bridge past and present, and skillfully meld elements of scenography and sculpture with the art of selling.

The still life is a classic back in bloom. In contrast with the immobility of the objects it depicts, it has been speedily making its way onto contemporary platforms—from glossy magazines to Instragram feeds. Today’s creatives are developing new visual storytelling techniques with this age-old genre. This book showcases these innovative directions in product portraiture and editorial photography by some of our time’s most imaginative photographers, designers, and stylists.

Still life staples such as dead game, musical instruments, and fruit bowls can still be seen in the of-the-moment arrangements, but they are now presented alongside the latest fashion accessories or luxury gadgets. The book illustrates how a combination of quality handcraft and inspired flair are being used to put familiar products into surprising new contexts, ranging from minimalistic understatement to opulent glamour. The included examples meticulously style objects into elaborate compositions that bridge past and present, and skillfully meld elements of scenography and sculpture with the art of selling.

Imbued with unexpected liveliness, the richly set tabletops, collages, installations, and photographic illustrations featured in The Still Life unleash their inanimate subjects’ innate urge to communicate. Some examples speak subtly, others scream, but all tell visual stories of expressive power that celebrate imagination.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24,5×33
Pagine: 288
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9783899555813



1 disponibili

a cura di Robert KlantenAnna Sinofzik

THE STILL LIFE. In Product Presentation and Editorial Design

Still life is a classic back in bloom. The Still Life showcases the evolution of this age-old genre in striking product portraiture by some of today’s most imaginative photographers, designers, and stylists.

In contrast with the immobility of the objects it depicts, still life has been speedily making a comeback onto contemporary platforms—from glossy magazines to Instagram feeds. This book showcases new directions in product portraiture by some of our time’s most imaginative photographers, designers, and stylists.

Still life staples such as dead game and fruit bowls can still be seen in today’s of-the-moment arrangements, but they are now presented alongside the latest fashion accessories or luxury gadgets. The elaborate tabletops, collages, installations, and photographic illustrations featured in The Still Life bridge past and present, and skillfully meld elements of scenography and sculpture with the art of selling.

The still life is a classic back in bloom. In contrast with the immobility of the objects it depicts, it has been speedily making its way onto contemporary platforms—from glossy magazines to Instragram feeds. Today’s creatives are developing new visual storytelling techniques with this age-old genre. This book showcases these innovative directions in product portraiture and editorial photography by some of our time’s most imaginative photographers, designers, and stylists.

Still life staples such as dead game, musical instruments, and fruit bowls can still be seen in the of-the-moment arrangements, but they are now presented alongside the latest fashion accessories or luxury gadgets. The book illustrates how a combination of quality handcraft and inspired flair are being used to put familiar products into surprising new contexts, ranging from minimalistic understatement to opulent glamour. The included examples meticulously style objects into elaborate compositions that bridge past and present, and skillfully meld elements of scenography and sculpture with the art of selling.

Imbued with unexpected liveliness, the richly set tabletops, collages, installations, and photographic illustrations featured in The Still Life unleash their inanimate subjects’ innate urge to communicate. Some examples speak subtly, others scream, but all tell visual stories of expressive power that celebrate imagination.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24,5×33
Pagine: 288
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9783899555813


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