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di AA.VV.
a cura di Gill Saunders – Margaret Timmers
A vibrant visual History of one of the most powerful, memorable and effective Means of Mass Mommunication: the Poster
Even in the digital age, the printed poster retains an important, much-loved role in connecting with audiences in a way that both entertains and informs. The V&A was one of the first museums to start collecting posters and to recognize the importance of doing so. Far from ephemeral, posters are both a representation of the time in which they were produced and distributed and, in many instances, have shaped the societies in which they were seen. The story of the poster is both one of changing styles and new innovations in design, illustration and printing, and a visually compelling social history.
The Poster brings together over 300 examples that tell a comprehensive visual history of poster design and the various ways the poster has been used to tell, to sell, to charm and to spur on change. Organized into seven thematic chapters that tell the story of the poster as a medium, each poster is accompanied by a concise commentary that explains the work in terms of its design, printing, content, message and the commercial, social or political impact it may have had.
Featuring works by the masters of poster design that have become popular and highly collectible classics, charting the ebb and flow of styles such as Art Nouveau, Modernism, Art Deco, Psychedelia and Punk and featuring the nostalgic glow of muchloved brands as well as posters that shook and changed the world, The Poster will be an essential visual resource for graphic designers and illustrators – a reference for anyone with an interest in collecting posters and an engaging design and social history for all who appreciate this most popular of art forms.
– in Collaboration with VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM
> Gill Saunders is Senior Curator of Prints in the Word & Image Department at the Victoria and Albert Museum and an honorary member of the Printmakers Council.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24×29,8
Pagine: 304
Immagini a colori-b/n: 327
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2020
ISBN: 9780500480380
Introduction • Performance & Entertainment • Sport & Recreation • Art & Exhibitions Commerce & Consumption • Travel & Transport • Politics, Protest & Propaganda • The Poster in the Digital Age • The V&A Poster Collections • Printing Processes • Style Glossary
Prezzo valido solamente per pagamenti tramite BB
di AA.VV.
a cura di Gill Saunders – Margaret Timmers
A vibrant visual History of one of the most powerful, memorable and effective Means of Mass Mommunication: the Poster
Even in the digital age, the printed poster retains an important, much-loved role in connecting with audiences in a way that both entertains and informs. The V&A was one of the first museums to start collecting posters and to recognize the importance of doing so. Far from ephemeral, posters are both a representation of the time in which they were produced and distributed and, in many instances, have shaped the societies in which they were seen. The story of the poster is both one of changing styles and new innovations in design, illustration and printing, and a visually compelling social history.
The Poster brings together over 300 examples that tell a comprehensive visual history of poster design and the various ways the poster has been used to tell, to sell, to charm and to spur on change. Organized into seven thematic chapters that tell the story of the poster as a medium, each poster is accompanied by a concise commentary that explains the work in terms of its design, printing, content, message and the commercial, social or political impact it may have had.
Featuring works by the masters of poster design that have become popular and highly collectible classics, charting the ebb and flow of styles such as Art Nouveau, Modernism, Art Deco, Psychedelia and Punk and featuring the nostalgic glow of muchloved brands as well as posters that shook and changed the world, The Poster will be an essential visual resource for graphic designers and illustrators – a reference for anyone with an interest in collecting posters and an engaging design and social history for all who appreciate this most popular of art forms.
– in Collaboration with VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM
> Gill Saunders is Senior Curator of Prints in the Word & Image Department at the Victoria and Albert Museum and an honorary member of the Printmakers Council.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24×29,8
Pagine: 304
Immagini a colori-b/n: 327
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2020
ISBN: 9780500480380
Introduction • Performance & Entertainment • Sport & Recreation • Art & Exhibitions Commerce & Consumption • Travel & Transport • Politics, Protest & Propaganda • The Poster in the Digital Age • The V&A Poster Collections • Printing Processes • Style Glossary
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