di Kathryn Bradley-Hole
More popular than ever, Gardening is going green with increased Interest in environmentally friendly Methods.
It seems that almost everyone who has access to outside space, however small or large, wants to make the most of it. Interest in growing plants in ecologically sensitive ways that support pollinators, butterflies, birds, and other wildlife is a very strong strand in the new consciousness of garden making. It goes hand in hand with organic principles that shun the use of short-term, quick-fix chemical solutions that have an overall damaging effect on soil and the environment.
As the gardens in this book demonstrate, there need be no loss of visual impact or creativity when taking environmental concerns into account. With examples from all over the world, the gardens showcased here serve diverse needs–from twenty-first-century public green spaces to modern cottage gardens and from large country gardens to intimate city courtyards–across a wide range of climates and soils. They have been created with elegance and style, alongside their makers’ efforts to work with, rather than against, nature and support the complex web of life that so frequently struggles to coexist with human habitation or agriculture.
Interspersed throughout are illustrated essays outlining relevant topics, including: supporting wildlife; the challenges of seaside gardening; incorporating seeds and fruit; grasses, meadows, and prairie plantings; coping with heat and drought; and the important role of trees.
Featuring more than thirty gardens from across the globe with photographs by leading garden photographers, including Richard Bloom, Andrea Jones, Marianne Majerus, Alessio Mei, Clive Nichols, and Ngoc Minh Ngo, the book showcases the beauty and visual impact produced by ecologically friendly garden design principles. As the world wakes up to the effects of climate change and the consequent strains on natural resources, today’s garden makers are responding in creative way.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21×24,8
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori-b/n: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021
ISBN: 9780847870097
Kathryn Bradley-Hole is the author of Rizzoli’s acclaimed English Gardensas well as the best-selling “Gardeners’ World” Garden Lovers’ Guide to Britain and Lost Gardens of England: From the Archives of Country Life. A fellow of the Linnean Society, she was for eighteen years the garden editor of the esteemed weekly magazine Country Life as well as the author of a regular column, Nature Notes. Her personal gardening interests focus on achieving visual harmony with the broader landscape and creating environments that assist wildlife.
di Kathryn Bradley-Hole
More popular than ever, Gardening is going green with increased Interest in environmentally friendly Methods.
It seems that almost everyone who has access to outside space, however small or large, wants to make the most of it. Interest in growing plants in ecologically sensitive ways that support pollinators, butterflies, birds, and other wildlife is a very strong strand in the new consciousness of garden making. It goes hand in hand with organic principles that shun the use of short-term, quick-fix chemical solutions that have an overall damaging effect on soil and the environment.
As the gardens in this book demonstrate, there need be no loss of visual impact or creativity when taking environmental concerns into account. With examples from all over the world, the gardens showcased here serve diverse needs–from twenty-first-century public green spaces to modern cottage gardens and from large country gardens to intimate city courtyards–across a wide range of climates and soils. They have been created with elegance and style, alongside their makers’ efforts to work with, rather than against, nature and support the complex web of life that so frequently struggles to coexist with human habitation or agriculture.
Interspersed throughout are illustrated essays outlining relevant topics, including: supporting wildlife; the challenges of seaside gardening; incorporating seeds and fruit; grasses, meadows, and prairie plantings; coping with heat and drought; and the important role of trees.
Featuring more than thirty gardens from across the globe with photographs by leading garden photographers, including Richard Bloom, Andrea Jones, Marianne Majerus, Alessio Mei, Clive Nichols, and Ngoc Minh Ngo, the book showcases the beauty and visual impact produced by ecologically friendly garden design principles. As the world wakes up to the effects of climate change and the consequent strains on natural resources, today’s garden makers are responding in creative way.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21×24,8
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori-b/n: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021
ISBN: 9780847870097
Kathryn Bradley-Hole is the author of Rizzoli’s acclaimed English Gardensas well as the best-selling “Gardeners’ World” Garden Lovers’ Guide to Britain and Lost Gardens of England: From the Archives of Country Life. A fellow of the Linnean Society, she was for eighteen years the garden editor of the esteemed weekly magazine Country Life as well as the author of a regular column, Nature Notes. Her personal gardening interests focus on achieving visual harmony with the broader landscape and creating environments that assist wildlife.
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