


1 disponibili

TATTOO YOU. A new Generation of Artists


A cutting-edge illustrated survey of 75 contemporary tattoo artists from around the world who are pushing the boundaries of their art form

With nearly 700 images, Tattoo You: A New Generation of Artists showcases 75 rising stars who are redefining the industry. The first book of its kind, Tattoo You features artists curated by a global panel of experts, including some of tattooing’s most important names, such as Grace Neutral, Claudia De Sabe, Matt McCormick, Tamara Santibañez, Lal Hardy, Marisa Kakoulas, Matt Lodder, Tann Koga (Ink the Diaspora), and Jay Freestyle.

Each artist is accompanied by a selection of images illustrating their work, alongside an in-depth profile that delves into their influences, creative process, and how they are transforming the tattoo world. From minimal, blackwork, and Neo-Traditional tattoos to stick-and-poke and cultural and Indigenous practices, Tattoo Youspans all styles and techniques, offering an inside look into how artists around the world work today, while simultaneously providing glimpses of tattooing’s future as an innovative, accessible, and revolutionary art form.

Alice Snape (Introduction by) is a freelance writer, editor, and curator, as well as the founder of Things & Ink magazine. An expert and authority on tattoos, she has appeared on Newsnight, ITV news, and BBC Radio, and is the author of Tattoo Street Style (2018). She has also written about tattoos and niche culture for the Guardian, Condé Nast Traveler, Cosmopolitan, VICE, Total Tattoo, and other prominent publications.



1 disponibili

TATTOO YOU. A new Generation of Artists


A cutting-edge illustrated survey of 75 contemporary tattoo artists from around the world who are pushing the boundaries of their art form

With nearly 700 images, Tattoo You: A New Generation of Artists showcases 75 rising stars who are redefining the industry. The first book of its kind, Tattoo You features artists curated by a global panel of experts, including some of tattooing’s most important names, such as Grace Neutral, Claudia De Sabe, Matt McCormick, Tamara Santibañez, Lal Hardy, Marisa Kakoulas, Matt Lodder, Tann Koga (Ink the Diaspora), and Jay Freestyle.

Each artist is accompanied by a selection of images illustrating their work, alongside an in-depth profile that delves into their influences, creative process, and how they are transforming the tattoo world. From minimal, blackwork, and Neo-Traditional tattoos to stick-and-poke and cultural and Indigenous practices, Tattoo Youspans all styles and techniques, offering an inside look into how artists around the world work today, while simultaneously providing glimpses of tattooing’s future as an innovative, accessible, and revolutionary art form.

Alice Snape (Introduction by) is a freelance writer, editor, and curator, as well as the founder of Things & Ink magazine. An expert and authority on tattoos, she has appeared on Newsnight, ITV news, and BBC Radio, and is the author of Tattoo Street Style (2018). She has also written about tattoos and niche culture for the Guardian, Condé Nast Traveler, Cosmopolitan, VICE, Total Tattoo, and other prominent publications.


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