


  • Streets of New York is part of the Streets of… series of books which gathers the personal visions of a favorite metropolis by multiple photographers
  • An evocative portrait of New York City by more than 40 photographers from around the world
  • A refreshing update of the ‘classic’ New York photo book by featuring photographers with a strong online presence


More than 60 million people visit New York City each year. Every single traveler experiences the city in a unique way. There is no such thing as one New York. Streets of New York is a New York photo book that celebrates the Big Apple’s tremendous diversity by bringing together over 40 contemporary photographers and their multiple perspectives on this unique metropolis.

Often drawing on a strong social media presence, each photographer offers her or his personal take on New York’s unparalleled vibrancy, impact, and allure, creating both a rich collection of city photography and street style, and a visual catalogue of New York travel inspirations. Photographs of world-renowned New York landmarks and attractions like the Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, and World Trade Center Transportation Hub are interspersed with pictures of New York’s hidden treasures, tucked-away Manhattan charms, and lesser known, but equally interesting New York City districts—all captured with a present-day attention to detail and a wide-eyed love for the City that Never Sleeps.

At the heart of MENDO is the love of pure design. Before establishing the inspirational concept store and go-to flagship bookstore for style-conscious bibliophiles in Amsterdam in 2002, founders Roy Rietstap and Joost Albronda were accomplished graphic designers with an eye for innovation and entrepreneurship. Thus, a brilliant retail concept was created in the form of the MENDO of today. The collaboration of teNeues x MENDO is a synergy on many levels—a premier international publisher of illustrated books on culture combining with trendsetting designers with a great love for beautiful, asthetically-minded books— housed in a one-of-a-kind global bookstore. If you look closely, you will see that the simple, elegant black walls are actually made of precise stacks of books—an idea that is typical Amsterdam.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 22×28,7
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 130
Immagini b/n: 25
Lingua: D-GB-F
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9783961710836



  • Streets of New York is part of the Streets of… series of books which gathers the personal visions of a favorite metropolis by multiple photographers
  • An evocative portrait of New York City by more than 40 photographers from around the world
  • A refreshing update of the ‘classic’ New York photo book by featuring photographers with a strong online presence


More than 60 million people visit New York City each year. Every single traveler experiences the city in a unique way. There is no such thing as one New York. Streets of New York is a New York photo book that celebrates the Big Apple’s tremendous diversity by bringing together over 40 contemporary photographers and their multiple perspectives on this unique metropolis.

Often drawing on a strong social media presence, each photographer offers her or his personal take on New York’s unparalleled vibrancy, impact, and allure, creating both a rich collection of city photography and street style, and a visual catalogue of New York travel inspirations. Photographs of world-renowned New York landmarks and attractions like the Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, and World Trade Center Transportation Hub are interspersed with pictures of New York’s hidden treasures, tucked-away Manhattan charms, and lesser known, but equally interesting New York City districts—all captured with a present-day attention to detail and a wide-eyed love for the City that Never Sleeps.

At the heart of MENDO is the love of pure design. Before establishing the inspirational concept store and go-to flagship bookstore for style-conscious bibliophiles in Amsterdam in 2002, founders Roy Rietstap and Joost Albronda were accomplished graphic designers with an eye for innovation and entrepreneurship. Thus, a brilliant retail concept was created in the form of the MENDO of today. The collaboration of teNeues x MENDO is a synergy on many levels—a premier international publisher of illustrated books on culture combining with trendsetting designers with a great love for beautiful, asthetically-minded books— housed in a one-of-a-kind global bookstore. If you look closely, you will see that the simple, elegant black walls are actually made of precise stacks of books—an idea that is typical Amsterdam.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 22×28,7
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 130
Immagini b/n: 25
Lingua: D-GB-F
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9783961710836


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