di Brad Mirman
Street Life is Brad Mirman’s first book that explores the Los Angeles universe from a unique and symbolic point of view. As a director and screenwriter Brad Mirman believes that every photo is a story, every image is a dive into a culture and a way of life. With more than 200 black and white shots, photographer Brad Mirman shows us a West Coast never seen before, powerful and genuine, timeless images that tell an emotion.
“My camera is my passport to different worlds and cultures. It allows me to go places I would never dare go without it. Street Photography helps me step outside my world, outside what is comfortable and allows me the see things and meet others who I would otherwise never meet.” – Brad Mirman
> Brad Mirman has always been an avid Street Photographer and after a successful career as a screenwriter and director he decided to travel the world and to photograph all its different Street cultures. The result of his new book “Street Life” has been a five years journey and is a visual tribute to the beautiful diversity of street cultures around the world. Inside this 200 pages hard- cover book you will find photographs that shine a light on a world few of us know… where people live on the fringes of society and play by their own rules. Through the lens of his camera he brings their life-styles into focus, documenting a world of gangsters, lowriders, bikers, homeless, tattoo artists and beautiful women.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 31×25
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022
ISBN: 9788898565597
di Brad Mirman
Street Life is Brad Mirman’s first book that explores the Los Angeles universe from a unique and symbolic point of view. As a director and screenwriter Brad Mirman believes that every photo is a story, every image is a dive into a culture and a way of life. With more than 200 black and white shots, photographer Brad Mirman shows us a West Coast never seen before, powerful and genuine, timeless images that tell an emotion.
“My camera is my passport to different worlds and cultures. It allows me to go places I would never dare go without it. Street Photography helps me step outside my world, outside what is comfortable and allows me the see things and meet others who I would otherwise never meet.” – Brad Mirman
> Brad Mirman has always been an avid Street Photographer and after a successful career as a screenwriter and director he decided to travel the world and to photograph all its different Street cultures. The result of his new book “Street Life” has been a five years journey and is a visual tribute to the beautiful diversity of street cultures around the world. Inside this 200 pages hard- cover book you will find photographs that shine a light on a world few of us know… where people live on the fringes of society and play by their own rules. Through the lens of his camera he brings their life-styles into focus, documenting a world of gangsters, lowriders, bikers, homeless, tattoo artists and beautiful women.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 31×25
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022
ISBN: 9788898565597
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