


di DB Burkeman

STICKERS Vol.2. From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art. (aka More Stuck-Up Crap)

STICKERS 2 is the new bible of the adhesive art form—a visual history of fine art and street art in one of its most elemental, accessible, provocative, and ubiquitous forms. -with 16 pages of collectible stickers
Cheap, democratic, easy to ‘tag,’ and not always fast to fade, the sticker has been an ever-present medium—from the New York and London underground punk scenes to skate culture and political expression. Featuring more than 3,000 images of stickers from the global world of street expression—where DIY culture meets music, graffiti, design, and branding—Stickers 2 is a comprehensive record of an art form whose appeal lies in the juxtaposition of transience and significance.
STICKERS 2 illustrates the timeline of this pastime, from counterculture to politics, it’s 2019 chapters include –  Music: Punk Rock to Electronic music, Skateboarding, Streetwear, Graffiti, Fine Art, Political Activism, however Volume 2 goes even further than its predecessor, with chapters on the origins of Surf culture and the BMX bike world.
STICKERS 2 : extravagantly illustrated with more than 3,000 images of sticker graphics, organized by categories and themes, the book includes works by such diverse artists as Tom Sachs, Jenny Holzer,  BANKSY, Neckface, Marilyn Minter, ESPO and Barry McGee; to amateurs who ‘tag’ the streets anonymously. 
With texts from writers from many celebrated walks of life—including Jeffery Deitch, INVADER, C.R.Stecyk, Mark Mothersbaugh, Paul Gorman and Stikman, among many others—Stickers 2 reveals not only the cutting edge of sticker art but also the personal relationships that fine artists, street artists and pedestrians alike share with the medium. 
The is volume boasts an unparalleled collection of 125 removable stickers bound into its back pages. These sheets are by group of artists that is truly extraordinary. The list includes -Jenny Holzer, Barry McGee, INVADER, Marylin Minter, Erik Parker, SWOON, FUTURA, Robert Lazzarini, Kenzo Minami, Kostas Seremetis, Kristen Liu-Wong, Anthony Lister, Ron English, Ryan McGuinnes, BAST, D*Face, Shepard Fairey, FAILE, Skullphone, Tara McPherson, Peter Schuyff, Swoon, & James Hyde + more.

> Author DB Burkeman fell in love with stickers at an early age via skateboarding and punk rock, but he made a name for himself DJing between his two homes in London and New York. He threw some of the first UK rave warehouse parties in New York City and in the early 90s he launched the infamous club night NASA. Although his career has been in music, DJing, and doing A&R, his passion has always been art.

Veste editoriale: Brossura
Pagine: 272 + 12 pages of Stickers
Immagini a colori-b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2019

ISBN: 9780847863037



di DB Burkeman

STICKERS Vol.2. From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art. (aka More Stuck-Up Crap)

STICKERS 2 is the new bible of the adhesive art form—a visual history of fine art and street art in one of its most elemental, accessible, provocative, and ubiquitous forms. -with 16 pages of collectible stickers
Cheap, democratic, easy to ‘tag,’ and not always fast to fade, the sticker has been an ever-present medium—from the New York and London underground punk scenes to skate culture and political expression. Featuring more than 3,000 images of stickers from the global world of street expression—where DIY culture meets music, graffiti, design, and branding—Stickers 2 is a comprehensive record of an art form whose appeal lies in the juxtaposition of transience and significance.
STICKERS 2 illustrates the timeline of this pastime, from counterculture to politics, it’s 2019 chapters include –  Music: Punk Rock to Electronic music, Skateboarding, Streetwear, Graffiti, Fine Art, Political Activism, however Volume 2 goes even further than its predecessor, with chapters on the origins of Surf culture and the BMX bike world.
STICKERS 2 : extravagantly illustrated with more than 3,000 images of sticker graphics, organized by categories and themes, the book includes works by such diverse artists as Tom Sachs, Jenny Holzer,  BANKSY, Neckface, Marilyn Minter, ESPO and Barry McGee; to amateurs who ‘tag’ the streets anonymously. 
With texts from writers from many celebrated walks of life—including Jeffery Deitch, INVADER, C.R.Stecyk, Mark Mothersbaugh, Paul Gorman and Stikman, among many others—Stickers 2 reveals not only the cutting edge of sticker art but also the personal relationships that fine artists, street artists and pedestrians alike share with the medium. 
The is volume boasts an unparalleled collection of 125 removable stickers bound into its back pages. These sheets are by group of artists that is truly extraordinary. The list includes -Jenny Holzer, Barry McGee, INVADER, Marylin Minter, Erik Parker, SWOON, FUTURA, Robert Lazzarini, Kenzo Minami, Kostas Seremetis, Kristen Liu-Wong, Anthony Lister, Ron English, Ryan McGuinnes, BAST, D*Face, Shepard Fairey, FAILE, Skullphone, Tara McPherson, Peter Schuyff, Swoon, & James Hyde + more.

> Author DB Burkeman fell in love with stickers at an early age via skateboarding and punk rock, but he made a name for himself DJing between his two homes in London and New York. He threw some of the first UK rave warehouse parties in New York City and in the early 90s he launched the infamous club night NASA. Although his career has been in music, DJing, and doing A&R, his passion has always been art.

Veste editoriale: Brossura
Pagine: 272 + 12 pages of Stickers
Immagini a colori-b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2019

ISBN: 9780847863037


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