In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 62,00 €.

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– Photographs by Steve Diet Goedde, with introduction by Andi Campognone

  • Contains unseen ‘candid’ and behind-the-scenes images from the world’s leading fetish photographer
  • Includes commentaries by the photographer about each image – recollections from shoots and back stories about the models create an intimate atmosphere

Steve Diet Goedde’s photographs are concerned with fetishism, but they could reasonably be regarded as fashion photographs, for they are about clothes and the roles that dressing imposes on women, or allows them to play. Indeed Goedde has consistently rejected the visual stereotypes of ‘fetish’ photography. Instead he sets out to seduce and amuse, experimenting with humour, irony and elements of the surreal. Extempore brings together images that represent stolen moments, or glimpses behind the scenes, when the models are not necessarily aware of the camera. Most of Goedde’s models are drawn from his close circle of friends and in these photographs particularly one senses a shared trust and understanding.

Inspired by the work of Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick, Steve Diet Goedde’s first instinct was to become a filmmaker. Only slowly did his attention turn to photography. His first book, The Beauty of Fetish (1998), brought him critical acclaim and a loyal following, both of which he has enjoyed ever since.

> Steve Diet Goedde grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, before moving to Chicago as a student. Inspired by the work of Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick, his first instinct was to become a filmmaker. Only slowly did his attention turn to photography. His first book, The Beauty of Fetish, published by Edition Stemmle in 1998, brought him critical acclaim and a loyal following, both of which he has enjoyed ever since. He now lives and works in Los Angeles. Andi Campognone is the director of AC Projects, which promotes the arts and culture in Southern California. She is also the museum curator for the City of Lancaster, where she is responsible for the development of partnerships and community initiatives with local artists and businesses, the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and other institutions. She is on the board of the Lancaster Museum and Public Art Foundation and is a current member of ArtTable. She has been photographed by Steve Diet Goedde.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 26×30
Pagine: 160
Immagini a colori-b/n: 100
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2019

ISBN: 9781911422181

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 62,00 €.

1 disponibili

Prezzo valido solamente per pagamenti tramite BB


– Photographs by Steve Diet Goedde, with introduction by Andi Campognone

  • Contains unseen ‘candid’ and behind-the-scenes images from the world’s leading fetish photographer
  • Includes commentaries by the photographer about each image – recollections from shoots and back stories about the models create an intimate atmosphere

Steve Diet Goedde’s photographs are concerned with fetishism, but they could reasonably be regarded as fashion photographs, for they are about clothes and the roles that dressing imposes on women, or allows them to play. Indeed Goedde has consistently rejected the visual stereotypes of ‘fetish’ photography. Instead he sets out to seduce and amuse, experimenting with humour, irony and elements of the surreal. Extempore brings together images that represent stolen moments, or glimpses behind the scenes, when the models are not necessarily aware of the camera. Most of Goedde’s models are drawn from his close circle of friends and in these photographs particularly one senses a shared trust and understanding.

Inspired by the work of Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick, Steve Diet Goedde’s first instinct was to become a filmmaker. Only slowly did his attention turn to photography. His first book, The Beauty of Fetish (1998), brought him critical acclaim and a loyal following, both of which he has enjoyed ever since.

> Steve Diet Goedde grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, before moving to Chicago as a student. Inspired by the work of Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick, his first instinct was to become a filmmaker. Only slowly did his attention turn to photography. His first book, The Beauty of Fetish, published by Edition Stemmle in 1998, brought him critical acclaim and a loyal following, both of which he has enjoyed ever since. He now lives and works in Los Angeles. Andi Campognone is the director of AC Projects, which promotes the arts and culture in Southern California. She is also the museum curator for the City of Lancaster, where she is responsible for the development of partnerships and community initiatives with local artists and businesses, the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and other institutions. She is on the board of the Lancaster Museum and Public Art Foundation and is a current member of ArtTable. She has been photographed by Steve Diet Goedde.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 26×30
Pagine: 160
Immagini a colori-b/n: 100
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2019

ISBN: 9781911422181


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