di SCDA Architects
SCDA Landscape forms an integral part in the firm’s holistic approach to design that integrates architecture, interiors and landscape. Reinforcing a dialogue between Internal and External space, projects range in scale from private residential homes, hotels and resorts to mixed-use developments and master plans in various countries within Asia, North America and Europe. The approach follows an inherent classical flow of space, with layering of hardscape and planting elements forming outdoor rooms, extensions of internal living spaces. Proportion, materiality and detail are defining elements that create serene, enduring and defined spaces that enhance the negative spaces between buildings. Sculpture, furniture and lighting are considered at the conceptual stage, important elements in the formation of the overall landscaped approach. The sensory experience of water is utilised and integrated with contemporary landscape elements to structure space, define hierarchy and strengthen the sense of place. Through the careful use and integration of hard and soft elements each project addresses programmatic and environmental requirements, while creating a distinctively poetic and elegant space. This volume showcases the firm’s commitment to innovation for environmental design and contemporary flair across all living spaces.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 25,1×23
Pagine: 356
Immagini a colori: 400
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9781864706888
SCDA Architects Pte Ltd is a multi-disciplinary architecture firm, established in 1995 and based in Singapore, that engages in the practice of architecture, interior, landscape and product design. SCDA’s designs strive for tranquility and calmness qualified by space, light and structural order. Architectural expressions are distilled to capture the spiritual essense of “place”. Its architecture and interiors are inspired by climate and cultural nuances of its context, integrating landscape, water features and blurring the distinction between interior and exterior. SCDA was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects Worldwide Award in 2003 and 2012, and nine Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Awards. Soo K. Chan, the founding principal and design director of SCDA, was the recipient of the inaugural President’s Design Award, Singapore Designer of the Year and is part of the Panel of Designers for Poliform in Milan. He was also awarded SIA-Getz Architecture Prize for Emergent Architecture in Asia and two RIBA International Prizes. He is currently working on three highly prestigious residential towers, including Soori High Line, which marks his third global Soori-branded work in addition to the award-winning Alila Villas Soori in Bali.
di SCDA Architects
SCDA Landscape forms an integral part in the firm’s holistic approach to design that integrates architecture, interiors and landscape. Reinforcing a dialogue between Internal and External space, projects range in scale from private residential homes, hotels and resorts to mixed-use developments and master plans in various countries within Asia, North America and Europe. The approach follows an inherent classical flow of space, with layering of hardscape and planting elements forming outdoor rooms, extensions of internal living spaces. Proportion, materiality and detail are defining elements that create serene, enduring and defined spaces that enhance the negative spaces between buildings. Sculpture, furniture and lighting are considered at the conceptual stage, important elements in the formation of the overall landscaped approach. The sensory experience of water is utilised and integrated with contemporary landscape elements to structure space, define hierarchy and strengthen the sense of place. Through the careful use and integration of hard and soft elements each project addresses programmatic and environmental requirements, while creating a distinctively poetic and elegant space. This volume showcases the firm’s commitment to innovation for environmental design and contemporary flair across all living spaces.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 25,1×23
Pagine: 356
Immagini a colori: 400
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9781864706888
SCDA Architects Pte Ltd is a multi-disciplinary architecture firm, established in 1995 and based in Singapore, that engages in the practice of architecture, interior, landscape and product design. SCDA’s designs strive for tranquility and calmness qualified by space, light and structural order. Architectural expressions are distilled to capture the spiritual essense of “place”. Its architecture and interiors are inspired by climate and cultural nuances of its context, integrating landscape, water features and blurring the distinction between interior and exterior. SCDA was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects Worldwide Award in 2003 and 2012, and nine Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Awards. Soo K. Chan, the founding principal and design director of SCDA, was the recipient of the inaugural President’s Design Award, Singapore Designer of the Year and is part of the Panel of Designers for Poliform in Milan. He was also awarded SIA-Getz Architecture Prize for Emergent Architecture in Asia and two RIBA International Prizes. He is currently working on three highly prestigious residential towers, including Soori High Line, which marks his third global Soori-branded work in addition to the award-winning Alila Villas Soori in Bali.
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