In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 63,00 €.

1 disponibili

a cura di Ryan Korban

RYAN KORBAN. Interiors

From the Interiors darling known for his cool-kids pPaces, an alluring new Monograph exploring Design Ideas for today’s Generation.

Synonymous with luxurious materials, urban cool, understated elegance, and his signature fashion-driven approach to design, Ryan Korban has emerged as a wunderkind of the interior design world. Exploring what makes spaces feel truly new and now, this monograph—Korban’s second—presents a fresh look at twenty-first-century contemporary spaces, answering the question, What does “modern” design really mean in today’s day and age?

Expertly curated by Korban, each chapter engages the reader in a visual and verbal conversation on modern interior style. Touching upon such topics as color, materials, and architecture, he lends insight into his singular style and advice on how to achieve it. From posh Upper East Side boutiques and stately city townhouses to Alexander Wang’s Manhattan apartment and a Sotheby’s showhouse, sumptuous photographs of sensational and inspiring rooms (many of which have never been published before) offer endless inspiration. Complete with engaging prose discussing Korban’s innovative ideas, this beautifully designed volume is an essential addition to any fashion or design lover’s library.

> Ryan Korban began his interior design career after graduation from the New School in New York in 2007. His portfolio includes the homes of prominent figures in the worlds of fashion, film, and music, as well as commercial projects, such as Balenciaga’s New York flagship. His work has been profiled in such publications as W, Harper’s Bazaar, Architectural Digest, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. Amy Astley is the editor in chief of Architectural Digest. Karin Nelson is a New York–based writer and editor.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 21,6×27,9
Pagine: 208
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9780847861422

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 63,00 €.

1 disponibili

a cura di Ryan Korban

RYAN KORBAN. Interiors

From the Interiors darling known for his cool-kids pPaces, an alluring new Monograph exploring Design Ideas for today’s Generation.

Synonymous with luxurious materials, urban cool, understated elegance, and his signature fashion-driven approach to design, Ryan Korban has emerged as a wunderkind of the interior design world. Exploring what makes spaces feel truly new and now, this monograph—Korban’s second—presents a fresh look at twenty-first-century contemporary spaces, answering the question, What does “modern” design really mean in today’s day and age?

Expertly curated by Korban, each chapter engages the reader in a visual and verbal conversation on modern interior style. Touching upon such topics as color, materials, and architecture, he lends insight into his singular style and advice on how to achieve it. From posh Upper East Side boutiques and stately city townhouses to Alexander Wang’s Manhattan apartment and a Sotheby’s showhouse, sumptuous photographs of sensational and inspiring rooms (many of which have never been published before) offer endless inspiration. Complete with engaging prose discussing Korban’s innovative ideas, this beautifully designed volume is an essential addition to any fashion or design lover’s library.

> Ryan Korban began his interior design career after graduation from the New School in New York in 2007. His portfolio includes the homes of prominent figures in the worlds of fashion, film, and music, as well as commercial projects, such as Balenciaga’s New York flagship. His work has been profiled in such publications as W, Harper’s Bazaar, Architectural Digest, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. Amy Astley is the editor in chief of Architectural Digest. Karin Nelson is a New York–based writer and editor.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 21,6×27,9
Pagine: 208
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9780847861422


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