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di Richard Gillette
The first monograph on the work of Richard Gillette, a visionary designer whose elegant interiors are inspired by the works of the great artists of history. Richard Gillette is one of America’s leading interior designers, lauded for his comprehensively conceived and exquisitely detailed rooms. A painter by training, his work draws inspiration from the great masters, ranging from artists of the ancient world and the luminaries of the Enlightenment to such familiar figures as Rembrandt, Millais, Klimt, Miro, de Chirico, and Braque, among others. Richard Gillette: The Art of the Interior presents twenty of the best examples of his interiors. Although his style palette ranges widely, from Cubist Illusion to Victorian Minimal, Pre-Raphaelite Deco to Rococo, all of the apartments and homes featured share a common element: each design was inspired by a central and unifying piece of art that informs the space—a cubist painting by Picasso or Braque, a neo-realist piece by de Chirico, a Pre-Raphaelite masterpiece by Millais. Stunning color photographs highlight the hallmarks of Gillette’s work—his exceptionally fine craftsmanship and painterly attention to surface and form, elements that contribute to making his interiors works of art in their own right. A volume rich in sumptuous detail, Richard Gillette: The Art of the Interior is a sublime integration of aesthetics and form in the realized contemporary interior.
> Richard Gillette is a New York–based interior designer and principal of Richard Gillette Designs. His work for an international clientele has appeared in publications such as Architectural Digest, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and the New York Times, among many others.
> Wendy Moonan was the architecture and design editor at Town & Country, Harper’s Bazaar, and House & Garden before becoming a contributing writer at Architectural Digest. She wrote the ‘Antiques’ column for the New York Times for fourteen years.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24,1×30,2
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2011
ISBN: 9780847835928
Prezzo valido solamente per pagamenti tramite BB
di Richard Gillette
The first monograph on the work of Richard Gillette, a visionary designer whose elegant interiors are inspired by the works of the great artists of history. Richard Gillette is one of America’s leading interior designers, lauded for his comprehensively conceived and exquisitely detailed rooms. A painter by training, his work draws inspiration from the great masters, ranging from artists of the ancient world and the luminaries of the Enlightenment to such familiar figures as Rembrandt, Millais, Klimt, Miro, de Chirico, and Braque, among others. Richard Gillette: The Art of the Interior presents twenty of the best examples of his interiors. Although his style palette ranges widely, from Cubist Illusion to Victorian Minimal, Pre-Raphaelite Deco to Rococo, all of the apartments and homes featured share a common element: each design was inspired by a central and unifying piece of art that informs the space—a cubist painting by Picasso or Braque, a neo-realist piece by de Chirico, a Pre-Raphaelite masterpiece by Millais. Stunning color photographs highlight the hallmarks of Gillette’s work—his exceptionally fine craftsmanship and painterly attention to surface and form, elements that contribute to making his interiors works of art in their own right. A volume rich in sumptuous detail, Richard Gillette: The Art of the Interior is a sublime integration of aesthetics and form in the realized contemporary interior.
> Richard Gillette is a New York–based interior designer and principal of Richard Gillette Designs. His work for an international clientele has appeared in publications such as Architectural Digest, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and the New York Times, among many others.
> Wendy Moonan was the architecture and design editor at Town & Country, Harper’s Bazaar, and House & Garden before becoming a contributing writer at Architectural Digest. She wrote the ‘Antiques’ column for the New York Times for fourteen years.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24,1×30,2
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2011
ISBN: 9780847835928
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