


2 disponibili

di Peter Zec

RED DOT DESIGN YEARBOOK 2018/2019. Living, Doing, Working & Enjoying (4 Voll.)

  • Year after year, the Red Dot Design Yearbook edited by Peter Zec, one of the best design experts in the world, shows model developments, potentials, and trends in current product design that will whisk you away into a fascinating world full of beauty and functionality
  • The Red Dot Design Yearbook 2018/2019 set – consisting of the four volumes Living, ISBN 9783899392036 Doing, ISBN 9783899392043 Working, ISBN 9783899392050 and Enjoying, ISBN 9783899392067 – marries the areas of life and living, activity and lifestyle, work and technology as well as leisure and relaxation
  • The four volume set is a must for design professionals, design universities, design students, product managers, marketing experts, heads of purchasing, as well as design enthusiasts all over the world

Red Dot Design Yearbook 2018/2019 set (Living + Doing + Working + Enjoying) marries the areas of life and living, activity and lifestyle, and work and technology, as well as leisure and relaxation.

Anyone with an interest in design will want to invest. Year after year, Red Dot provides a vibrant picture of the design industry and its current developments, broken down into different thematic categories.

The winning products showcase model developments, potentials, and trends in current product design that will whisk you away into a fascinating world full of beauty and functionality.

A must-buy for design professionals, design universities and design students, this book is also aimed towards product managers, marketing experts and heads of purchasing; as well as being a sought-after collectors’ item for design enthusiasts all over the world.

– Find out more at the Red Dot Edition website: www.red-dot-edition.com.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 30×30
Pagine: 1844
Immagini a colori: 2500
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-D
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9783899392029




– Living rooms and bedrooms
– Household
– Kitchens
– Tableware and cooking utensils
– Lighting and lamps
– Interior Design
– Materials and surfaces
– Urban Design and public spaces


– Garden
– Leisure, sport and games
– Babies and children
– Fashion, lifestyle and accessories
– Watches and jewellery


– Offices
– Computers and information technology
– Industry and crafts
– Heating and air conditioning technology
– Life science and medicine


– Bathrooms, spas and personal care
– Vehicles
– Consumer electronics and cameras
– Communication

Professor Dr. Peter Zec, born 1956, is an international well-known design expert. He is the founder and CEO of Red Dot. He has been active for over 20 years as a communications and design consultant for numerous companies and lectures throughout the world in design-relevant topics. As an expert on the international design scene he is the publisher of the Red Dot Design Yearbook and the International Yearbook Communication Design. He has published the following books among others: Informationsdesign (1988), Design goes virtual! (1996), German Design Standards (1997; 2005), Designing Success (1999), Good Design (2000), Orientierung im Raum (2002), Hall of Fame. Companies Searching for Excellence in Design (2003; 2007), Return on Ideas – Better by Design (2006), Who’s Who in Design (2003; 2007), The Design Value – a Strategy for Business Success (2010).



2 disponibili

di Peter Zec

RED DOT DESIGN YEARBOOK 2018/2019. Living, Doing, Working & Enjoying (4 Voll.)

  • Year after year, the Red Dot Design Yearbook edited by Peter Zec, one of the best design experts in the world, shows model developments, potentials, and trends in current product design that will whisk you away into a fascinating world full of beauty and functionality
  • The Red Dot Design Yearbook 2018/2019 set – consisting of the four volumes Living, ISBN 9783899392036 Doing, ISBN 9783899392043 Working, ISBN 9783899392050 and Enjoying, ISBN 9783899392067 – marries the areas of life and living, activity and lifestyle, work and technology as well as leisure and relaxation
  • The four volume set is a must for design professionals, design universities, design students, product managers, marketing experts, heads of purchasing, as well as design enthusiasts all over the world

Red Dot Design Yearbook 2018/2019 set (Living + Doing + Working + Enjoying) marries the areas of life and living, activity and lifestyle, and work and technology, as well as leisure and relaxation.

Anyone with an interest in design will want to invest. Year after year, Red Dot provides a vibrant picture of the design industry and its current developments, broken down into different thematic categories.

The winning products showcase model developments, potentials, and trends in current product design that will whisk you away into a fascinating world full of beauty and functionality.

A must-buy for design professionals, design universities and design students, this book is also aimed towards product managers, marketing experts and heads of purchasing; as well as being a sought-after collectors’ item for design enthusiasts all over the world.

– Find out more at the Red Dot Edition website: www.red-dot-edition.com.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 30×30
Pagine: 1844
Immagini a colori: 2500
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-D
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9783899392029




– Living rooms and bedrooms
– Household
– Kitchens
– Tableware and cooking utensils
– Lighting and lamps
– Interior Design
– Materials and surfaces
– Urban Design and public spaces


– Garden
– Leisure, sport and games
– Babies and children
– Fashion, lifestyle and accessories
– Watches and jewellery


– Offices
– Computers and information technology
– Industry and crafts
– Heating and air conditioning technology
– Life science and medicine


– Bathrooms, spas and personal care
– Vehicles
– Consumer electronics and cameras
– Communication

Professor Dr. Peter Zec, born 1956, is an international well-known design expert. He is the founder and CEO of Red Dot. He has been active for over 20 years as a communications and design consultant for numerous companies and lectures throughout the world in design-relevant topics. As an expert on the international design scene he is the publisher of the Red Dot Design Yearbook and the International Yearbook Communication Design. He has published the following books among others: Informationsdesign (1988), Design goes virtual! (1996), German Design Standards (1997; 2005), Designing Success (1999), Good Design (2000), Orientierung im Raum (2002), Hall of Fame. Companies Searching for Excellence in Design (2003; 2007), Return on Ideas – Better by Design (2006), Who’s Who in Design (2003; 2007), The Design Value – a Strategy for Business Success (2010).


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