In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 72,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 69,00 €.

1 disponibili

a cura di Insitute of Constructive DesignSwan School of ArchitectureEva StrickerGuido Brand

RE-USE IN CONSTRUCTION. A Compendium of Circular Architecture

  • A unique compendium of circular architecture today
  • A rich and inspirational source for architects and engineers and their clients
  • Answers questions with regard to design and engineering, energy, economy, processes, and legal issues of circular architecture projects
  • Lavishly illustrated with photos and plans, as well as informative diagrams and graphs


Re-using entire parts and components of existing buildings in the construction of new structures has become highly topical in European architecture discourse. Re-using elements that could last for decades longer, rather than destroying them, offers huge potentials in saving increasingly scarce resources and in cost reduction. Moreover, it makes construction more climate-friendly through deep cuts in energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gasses. For millennia, disused buildings have been cannibalised for the construction of new ones. Yet in today’s world, what is known as circular architecture raises a multitude of questions and challenges with regard to technology, safety, energy, and to legal aspects.

This book is a unique compendium of circular architecture. It explores comprehensively and in detail all the questions and challenges that architects and engineers face with circular architecture designs. It is based on the case study of the K.118 project in Winterthur, Switzerland’s largest building to date that consists mainly of re-used parts. Since its outset in 2018, the K.118 project has been evaluated within the framework of an interdisciplinary research with regard to aspects of design and engineering, energy, economy, processes, and legal issues. This volume presents the results in striking visuals and concise essays, supplemented by illuminating conversations between experts.

The Institute of Constructive Design, based in Winterthur as part of ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, is an interactive hub for teaching and research in building design and construction. Eva Stricker is a Zurich-based architect and writer, working also as a research assistant at the Institute of Constructive Design, ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering. Guido Brandi is co-founder of Zurich and Como-based architecture firm brandiguerra and a research assistant at the Institute of Constructive Design, ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering. Andreas Sonderegger is a founding partner with pool Architekten in Zurich and co-director of the Institute of Constructive Design, ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering. Baubüro in situ AG and its affiliate Zirkular GmbH, with offices in Basel and Zurich, are leading Swiss design and planning firms specialising in circular and sustainable architecture and construction processes. Marc Angst is an urban designer working as a re-use expert of with Zirkular GmbH in Basel. Barbara Buser is an architect and co-founder of Baubüro in situ in Basel und Zürich. Michel Massmünster is a Basel-based cultural anthropologist working at the interface of urban research, journalism, and intercultural communication.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,5×28,5
Pagine: 344
Immagini a colori: 401
Immagini b/n: 54
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9783038602958

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 72,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 69,00 €.

1 disponibili

a cura di Insitute of Constructive DesignSwan School of ArchitectureEva StrickerGuido Brand

RE-USE IN CONSTRUCTION. A Compendium of Circular Architecture

  • A unique compendium of circular architecture today
  • A rich and inspirational source for architects and engineers and their clients
  • Answers questions with regard to design and engineering, energy, economy, processes, and legal issues of circular architecture projects
  • Lavishly illustrated with photos and plans, as well as informative diagrams and graphs


Re-using entire parts and components of existing buildings in the construction of new structures has become highly topical in European architecture discourse. Re-using elements that could last for decades longer, rather than destroying them, offers huge potentials in saving increasingly scarce resources and in cost reduction. Moreover, it makes construction more climate-friendly through deep cuts in energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gasses. For millennia, disused buildings have been cannibalised for the construction of new ones. Yet in today’s world, what is known as circular architecture raises a multitude of questions and challenges with regard to technology, safety, energy, and to legal aspects.

This book is a unique compendium of circular architecture. It explores comprehensively and in detail all the questions and challenges that architects and engineers face with circular architecture designs. It is based on the case study of the K.118 project in Winterthur, Switzerland’s largest building to date that consists mainly of re-used parts. Since its outset in 2018, the K.118 project has been evaluated within the framework of an interdisciplinary research with regard to aspects of design and engineering, energy, economy, processes, and legal issues. This volume presents the results in striking visuals and concise essays, supplemented by illuminating conversations between experts.

The Institute of Constructive Design, based in Winterthur as part of ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, is an interactive hub for teaching and research in building design and construction. Eva Stricker is a Zurich-based architect and writer, working also as a research assistant at the Institute of Constructive Design, ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering. Guido Brandi is co-founder of Zurich and Como-based architecture firm brandiguerra and a research assistant at the Institute of Constructive Design, ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering. Andreas Sonderegger is a founding partner with pool Architekten in Zurich and co-director of the Institute of Constructive Design, ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering. Baubüro in situ AG and its affiliate Zirkular GmbH, with offices in Basel and Zurich, are leading Swiss design and planning firms specialising in circular and sustainable architecture and construction processes. Marc Angst is an urban designer working as a re-use expert of with Zirkular GmbH in Basel. Barbara Buser is an architect and co-founder of Baubüro in situ in Basel und Zürich. Michel Massmünster is a Basel-based cultural anthropologist working at the interface of urban research, journalism, and intercultural communication.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,5×28,5
Pagine: 344
Immagini a colori: 401
Immagini b/n: 54
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9783038602958


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