di Ralph Gibson – Eric Fischl
Collector’s Edition limited to 1,000 numbered Copies, each signed by the Artist
A decade after his first TASCHEN book, Deus ex machina, master photographer Ralph Gibson returns with an exquisite collection of nudes, combining the best of his recent work with an in-depth interview by Eric Fischl. Strikingly graphic, meticulously composed, and loaded with subtle provocations, Gibson’s mysterious, dreamlike images pay homage to greats such as Man Ray and Edward Weston, while continually pursuing new frontiers.
“A photographer once said that beauty in women is endless. Perhaps it was I who said it. At least, art history indicates this to be so; the Willendorf Venus is said to date from 25,000 BC. I love photographing women and could say that the form of the female body is absolute and perfect.” — Ralph Gibson
Sensual and softly surreal, the nude photography of Ralph Gibson frames the female form both organically and graphically, referencing art history while also innovating in the arena of erotic imagery. In XXL scale, Gibson’s photographs summon visceral sensation and call out for tactile attention. Thumb through this exquisite tribute to the contours and curves of womanhood and experience the intimacy of the photographic lens.
“Collector’s of photography and photographic books will want to explore this elegant and erotic offering… but it also speaks to anyone who embraces the depth and dimensionality of the female form.” – Interiors Magazine
> Ralph Gibson began taking pictures while in the U.S. Navy in the 1950s, and later assisted Dorothea Lange and Robert Frank before establishing his own studio in New York. The recipient of NEA and Guggenheim grants, Gibson was made a Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government in 2002.
> Eric Fischl is an internationally renowned figurative painter and sculptor. Born in New York and educated in Arizona and California, he is currently based in the New York area with his wife, painter April Gornik.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 33×44
Pagine: 306
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-F-D
Anno: 2009
ISBN: 9783836511896
di Ralph Gibson – Eric Fischl
Collector’s Edition limited to 1,000 numbered Copies, each signed by the Artist
A decade after his first TASCHEN book, Deus ex machina, master photographer Ralph Gibson returns with an exquisite collection of nudes, combining the best of his recent work with an in-depth interview by Eric Fischl. Strikingly graphic, meticulously composed, and loaded with subtle provocations, Gibson’s mysterious, dreamlike images pay homage to greats such as Man Ray and Edward Weston, while continually pursuing new frontiers.
“A photographer once said that beauty in women is endless. Perhaps it was I who said it. At least, art history indicates this to be so; the Willendorf Venus is said to date from 25,000 BC. I love photographing women and could say that the form of the female body is absolute and perfect.” — Ralph Gibson
Sensual and softly surreal, the nude photography of Ralph Gibson frames the female form both organically and graphically, referencing art history while also innovating in the arena of erotic imagery. In XXL scale, Gibson’s photographs summon visceral sensation and call out for tactile attention. Thumb through this exquisite tribute to the contours and curves of womanhood and experience the intimacy of the photographic lens.
“Collector’s of photography and photographic books will want to explore this elegant and erotic offering… but it also speaks to anyone who embraces the depth and dimensionality of the female form.” – Interiors Magazine
> Ralph Gibson began taking pictures while in the U.S. Navy in the 1950s, and later assisted Dorothea Lange and Robert Frank before establishing his own studio in New York. The recipient of NEA and Guggenheim grants, Gibson was made a Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government in 2002.
> Eric Fischl is an internationally renowned figurative painter and sculptor. Born in New York and educated in Arizona and California, he is currently based in the New York area with his wife, painter April Gornik.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 33×44
Pagine: 306
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-F-D
Anno: 2009
ISBN: 9783836511896
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