



a cura di Brigitte Groihofer

The Austrian architect Raimund Abraham, born 1933 in Tyrol, Austria, lived, worked and taught in the USA from 1964 to 2010. In march 2010 he died in a car-crash. The book is an updated edition and contains the complete work of the architect Raimund Abraham. It has a three-part structure: 1) imaginary architecture, 2) projects, 3) realizations. Texts are by Raimund Abraham, Kenneth Frampton, John Hejduk, Wieland Schmied and Lebbeus Woods. With an introductory essay by Norbert Miller. The drawing of architecture occupies a central position in the evolution of his work but challenges the predominant notion of built architecture. Drawing demands an autonomous reality, manifestation of his architectural concept. The book also contains his latest realized projects as there are his own house in Mexico and the House for Musicians at the Museumsinsel Hombroich (Germany), which will be completed in 2011.

TABLE OF CONTENS: Norbert Miller, Imagination and the Calculus of Reality. – Imaginary Architecture 1961-2009. – Texts by Raimund Abraham: In Anticipation of Architecture. Speechless. The Silence of the Muses. Monuments are not Made. The Enigma of the Muses. The Reality of the Unbuilt. Elementary Architecture. – Projects 1961-2010. – Texts on Raimund Abraham: John Hejduk, Raimund Abraham, Architect. Kenneth Frampton, Fragmentary Notes. Kenneth Frampton, Nine Questions to Raimund Abraham. P. Adams Sitney, Dwelling – Place and Universe. Lebbeus Woods, Raimund Abraham’s Urwelt. Wieland Schmied, Utopia Before One’s Very Eyes. Guy Nordernson, Section, Seriality and Structure. Carlos Brillembourg, The Essential Condition for Architecture. Wolf D. Prix, Exile of Visions. Lebbeus Woods, Anti Journey. Eric Owen Moss, Introduction to Raimund Abraham’s Lecture. Brigitte Groihofer, House for Music. – Realizations 1959-2010. – Appendix: Chronology. Biography. Prizes and Awards, Exhibitions. Bibliography. Staff and Assistants Atelier Raimund Abraham.

> Mag. Brigitte Groihofer studied history of art in Vienna. She worked as a curator at the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna and in Krems at the Kunstkhalle. She is also spezaliced in marketing and works currently as a journalist for Plan.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23×29
Pagine: 348
Immagini a colori: 200
Immagini b/n: 140
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2011

ISBN: 9783709104682




a cura di Brigitte Groihofer

The Austrian architect Raimund Abraham, born 1933 in Tyrol, Austria, lived, worked and taught in the USA from 1964 to 2010. In march 2010 he died in a car-crash. The book is an updated edition and contains the complete work of the architect Raimund Abraham. It has a three-part structure: 1) imaginary architecture, 2) projects, 3) realizations. Texts are by Raimund Abraham, Kenneth Frampton, John Hejduk, Wieland Schmied and Lebbeus Woods. With an introductory essay by Norbert Miller. The drawing of architecture occupies a central position in the evolution of his work but challenges the predominant notion of built architecture. Drawing demands an autonomous reality, manifestation of his architectural concept. The book also contains his latest realized projects as there are his own house in Mexico and the House for Musicians at the Museumsinsel Hombroich (Germany), which will be completed in 2011.

TABLE OF CONTENS: Norbert Miller, Imagination and the Calculus of Reality. – Imaginary Architecture 1961-2009. – Texts by Raimund Abraham: In Anticipation of Architecture. Speechless. The Silence of the Muses. Monuments are not Made. The Enigma of the Muses. The Reality of the Unbuilt. Elementary Architecture. – Projects 1961-2010. – Texts on Raimund Abraham: John Hejduk, Raimund Abraham, Architect. Kenneth Frampton, Fragmentary Notes. Kenneth Frampton, Nine Questions to Raimund Abraham. P. Adams Sitney, Dwelling – Place and Universe. Lebbeus Woods, Raimund Abraham’s Urwelt. Wieland Schmied, Utopia Before One’s Very Eyes. Guy Nordernson, Section, Seriality and Structure. Carlos Brillembourg, The Essential Condition for Architecture. Wolf D. Prix, Exile of Visions. Lebbeus Woods, Anti Journey. Eric Owen Moss, Introduction to Raimund Abraham’s Lecture. Brigitte Groihofer, House for Music. – Realizations 1959-2010. – Appendix: Chronology. Biography. Prizes and Awards, Exhibitions. Bibliography. Staff and Assistants Atelier Raimund Abraham.

> Mag. Brigitte Groihofer studied history of art in Vienna. She worked as a curator at the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna and in Krems at the Kunstkhalle. She is also spezaliced in marketing and works currently as a journalist for Plan.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23×29
Pagine: 348
Immagini a colori: 200
Immagini b/n: 140
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2011

ISBN: 9783709104682


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