



di Marion WeissMichael A.Manfredi

PUBLIC NATURES. Evolutionary Infrastructure

As elements of the built landscape, works of infrastructure are a means rather than an end. Our cities’ rail lines, bridges, highways, waterways and off-ramps are essential in a practical sense, but dead in a social one because they create boundaries that prevent one metropolis from physically connecting with another. Yet their very physical presence reveals hidden qualities key to revitalizing urban life. In Public Natures, New York City–based firm WEISS/MANFREDI tests such possibilities by crafting a hybrid manifesto/monograph filled with essays, roundtable discussions, and recent projects that explore new opportunities for infrastructure.

  • WEISS/MANFREDI is an award-winning firm known for its masterful integration of architecture, landscape, infrastructure, and art
  • Case studies located throughout the world are featured in the book, including the award-winning Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitor Center in New York City, Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology in Philadelphia, Sylvan Theater at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., and additional projects in Korea, New York City, New Jersey, and Toronto
  • Roundtable discussions include contributions by academics and theorists, such as Kenneth Frampton, Preston Scott Cohen, Felipe Correa, Keller Easterling, Paul Lewis, Hashim Sarkis, and Nader Tehrani; and a foreword by Barry Bergdoll

> Marion Weiss and Michael A. Manfredi are the founders of the award-winning New York City-based firm WEISS/MANFREDI. Weiss is the Graham Chair Professor of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. Manfredi has been the Gensler Visiting Professor at Cornell University.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 19,1×24,1
Pagine: 376
Immagini a colori: 372
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9781616893774




di Marion WeissMichael A.Manfredi

PUBLIC NATURES. Evolutionary Infrastructure

As elements of the built landscape, works of infrastructure are a means rather than an end. Our cities’ rail lines, bridges, highways, waterways and off-ramps are essential in a practical sense, but dead in a social one because they create boundaries that prevent one metropolis from physically connecting with another. Yet their very physical presence reveals hidden qualities key to revitalizing urban life. In Public Natures, New York City–based firm WEISS/MANFREDI tests such possibilities by crafting a hybrid manifesto/monograph filled with essays, roundtable discussions, and recent projects that explore new opportunities for infrastructure.

  • WEISS/MANFREDI is an award-winning firm known for its masterful integration of architecture, landscape, infrastructure, and art
  • Case studies located throughout the world are featured in the book, including the award-winning Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitor Center in New York City, Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology in Philadelphia, Sylvan Theater at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., and additional projects in Korea, New York City, New Jersey, and Toronto
  • Roundtable discussions include contributions by academics and theorists, such as Kenneth Frampton, Preston Scott Cohen, Felipe Correa, Keller Easterling, Paul Lewis, Hashim Sarkis, and Nader Tehrani; and a foreword by Barry Bergdoll

> Marion Weiss and Michael A. Manfredi are the founders of the award-winning New York City-based firm WEISS/MANFREDI. Weiss is the Graham Chair Professor of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. Manfredi has been the Gensler Visiting Professor at Cornell University.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 19,1×24,1
Pagine: 376
Immagini a colori: 372
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9781616893774


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