390,00 €
di Peter Zumthor
a cura di Thomas Durisch
– Peter Zumthor ranks among the most important contemporary Architects
– Complete catalogue of Zumthor’s built and unrealized projects 1975–2013: presents around 40 key projects in images, plans, and Zumthor’s own drawings and previously unpublished texts
– Books on Zumthor’s work are much sought-after
Peter Zumthor, Pritzker laureate 2009, unarguably ranks among the most important contemporary architects. He is revered worldwide for the stringency of his architectural concepts, the clarity of his designs, his sensitivity for location and context, and for his conscious and careful use of materials. He is celebrated for the pure and atmo- spheric spaces he has created, such as Kunsthaus Bregenz (Bregenz, Austria), Therme Vals (Vals, Switzerland), Kolumba Art Museum (Cologne, Germany), or in 2011 the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London, Hortus Conclusus. Yet also his lesser known residential buildings in Switzerland, the Field Chapel for Brother Klaus (near Mecher- nich, Germany), or the Steilneset. Memorial for the Victims of the Witch Trials in Vardø (Norway) have also won great acclaim from architectural critics. Zumthor is much admired by students and teachers of architecture alike also for his philosophical approach to the task of building and for his writings on architectural thought.
The new five-volume set ‘Peter Zumthor 1985-2013’ is the first comprehensive monograph on Zumthor’s work in more than fifteen years. Around 40 of his buildings and unrealized projects are presented in detail with brief descriptive texts by Zumthor himself, with photographs, sketches, drawings and plans. A complete list of works 1975–2013 rounds out the book. Photographs are contributed by Hélène Binet, Hans Danuser, Thomas Flechtner, Joël Tettamanti, and others.
Unquestionably one of the most influential and revered contemporary architects and Pritzker laureate 2009, Peter Zumthor has approached his work with a singular clarity of vision and a strong sense of his own philosophy, both of which have earned him the admiration of his peers and the world at large. Choosing to only take on a few projects at a time and keep his studio small, Zumthor has produced a comparatively small number of realized buildings, but they rank among the world’s most stunning: St. Benedict’s Chapel in Sumvitg, Switzerland; Therme Vals in Vals, Switzerland; Kunsthaus Bregenz in Bregenz, Austria; and the Kolumba Art Museum in Cologne, Germany, number among his most famous designs. This collection, however, explores his entire body of award-winning work from 1985 to 2013 in five volumes, including his lesser-known but nonetheless critically acclaimed works, such as the Field Chapel for Brother Klaus near Mechernich, Germany, and the Steilneset Memorial to the Victims of the Witch Trials in Vardø, Norway.
This new monograph presents around forty of Peter Zumthor’s projects, both realized and unrealized, through Zumthor’s own writing, along with photographs, sketches, drawings, and plans. A complete catalog of his works starting in 1975 rounds out the book. Richly illustrated and beautifully designed, this book serves as both an introduction to Zumthor’s work and philosophy for the layperson and a required addition to any architect’s library.
Peter Zumthor, born 1943 in Basel (Switzerland), trained as a cabinet maker and was educated as designer and architect at the College of Applied Arts in Basel and the Pratt Institute in New York. He runs his own architectural studio in Haldenstein (Switzerland) since 1979. He is also been lecturing at the Academy of Architecture of the Università della Svizzera italiana in Mendrisio (Switzerland) and various universities and colleges in Europe and the US. Zumthor has also been awarded many prizes for his work, including the highest honours in international architecture: the Praemium Imperiale (Japan, 2008), the Pritzker Prize (USA, 2009), and the Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Gold Medal (UK, 2012).
Veste editoriale: Cartonato + Cofanetto
Formato: 24×30
Pagine: 856
Immagini a colori: 278
Immagini b/n: 142
Schizzi e disegni: 341
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014
ISBN: 9783858817235
With Photographs by Hélène Binet, Hans Danuser, Ralph Feiner, Thomas Flechtner, Walter Mair, Joël Tettamanti and others.
[F Edition: 9783858817402] – [D Edition: 9783858813046]
Thomas Durisch, born 1963 in Minneapolis, graduated as an architect from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) in 1990. He has been working at Peter Zumthor’s studio from 1990-94 and runs his own practice in Zürich since 1995. He was curator of the exhibition Peter Zumthor: Bauten und Projekte 1986 2007 at Kunsthaus Bregenz in 2007.
390,00 €
di Peter Zumthor
a cura di Thomas Durisch
– Peter Zumthor ranks among the most important contemporary Architects
– Complete catalogue of Zumthor’s built and unrealized projects 1975–2013: presents around 40 key projects in images, plans, and Zumthor’s own drawings and previously unpublished texts
– Books on Zumthor’s work are much sought-after
Peter Zumthor, Pritzker laureate 2009, unarguably ranks among the most important contemporary architects. He is revered worldwide for the stringency of his architectural concepts, the clarity of his designs, his sensitivity for location and context, and for his conscious and careful use of materials. He is celebrated for the pure and atmo- spheric spaces he has created, such as Kunsthaus Bregenz (Bregenz, Austria), Therme Vals (Vals, Switzerland), Kolumba Art Museum (Cologne, Germany), or in 2011 the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London, Hortus Conclusus. Yet also his lesser known residential buildings in Switzerland, the Field Chapel for Brother Klaus (near Mecher- nich, Germany), or the Steilneset. Memorial for the Victims of the Witch Trials in Vardø (Norway) have also won great acclaim from architectural critics. Zumthor is much admired by students and teachers of architecture alike also for his philosophical approach to the task of building and for his writings on architectural thought.
The new five-volume set ‘Peter Zumthor 1985-2013’ is the first comprehensive monograph on Zumthor’s work in more than fifteen years. Around 40 of his buildings and unrealized projects are presented in detail with brief descriptive texts by Zumthor himself, with photographs, sketches, drawings and plans. A complete list of works 1975–2013 rounds out the book. Photographs are contributed by Hélène Binet, Hans Danuser, Thomas Flechtner, Joël Tettamanti, and others.
Unquestionably one of the most influential and revered contemporary architects and Pritzker laureate 2009, Peter Zumthor has approached his work with a singular clarity of vision and a strong sense of his own philosophy, both of which have earned him the admiration of his peers and the world at large. Choosing to only take on a few projects at a time and keep his studio small, Zumthor has produced a comparatively small number of realized buildings, but they rank among the world’s most stunning: St. Benedict’s Chapel in Sumvitg, Switzerland; Therme Vals in Vals, Switzerland; Kunsthaus Bregenz in Bregenz, Austria; and the Kolumba Art Museum in Cologne, Germany, number among his most famous designs. This collection, however, explores his entire body of award-winning work from 1985 to 2013 in five volumes, including his lesser-known but nonetheless critically acclaimed works, such as the Field Chapel for Brother Klaus near Mechernich, Germany, and the Steilneset Memorial to the Victims of the Witch Trials in Vardø, Norway.
This new monograph presents around forty of Peter Zumthor’s projects, both realized and unrealized, through Zumthor’s own writing, along with photographs, sketches, drawings, and plans. A complete catalog of his works starting in 1975 rounds out the book. Richly illustrated and beautifully designed, this book serves as both an introduction to Zumthor’s work and philosophy for the layperson and a required addition to any architect’s library.
Peter Zumthor, born 1943 in Basel (Switzerland), trained as a cabinet maker and was educated as designer and architect at the College of Applied Arts in Basel and the Pratt Institute in New York. He runs his own architectural studio in Haldenstein (Switzerland) since 1979. He is also been lecturing at the Academy of Architecture of the Università della Svizzera italiana in Mendrisio (Switzerland) and various universities and colleges in Europe and the US. Zumthor has also been awarded many prizes for his work, including the highest honours in international architecture: the Praemium Imperiale (Japan, 2008), the Pritzker Prize (USA, 2009), and the Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Gold Medal (UK, 2012).
Veste editoriale: Cartonato + Cofanetto
Formato: 24×30
Pagine: 856
Immagini a colori: 278
Immagini b/n: 142
Schizzi e disegni: 341
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014
ISBN: 9783858817235
With Photographs by Hélène Binet, Hans Danuser, Ralph Feiner, Thomas Flechtner, Walter Mair, Joël Tettamanti and others.
[F Edition: 9783858817402] – [D Edition: 9783858813046]
Thomas Durisch, born 1963 in Minneapolis, graduated as an architect from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) in 1990. He has been working at Peter Zumthor’s studio from 1990-94 and runs his own practice in Zürich since 1995. He was curator of the exhibition Peter Zumthor: Bauten und Projekte 1986 2007 at Kunsthaus Bregenz in 2007.
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