


1 disponibili

di Francois Nars

In this Limited Edition, French makeup Legend, beauty Mogul, and esteemed Photographer François Nars unveils his long-awaited Collection of more than 300 new Photographs—dramatic and provocative Portraits of creative Figures of all Ages that capture the Beauty and Essence of each Persona.

Persona reveals an extraordinary production of cinematic, avant-garde portraits of an exclusive list of contemporary creative icons. The celebrities, artists, designers, musicians, and actors featured include Tilda Swinton, Naomi Campbell, Kyle MacLachlan, Sharon Stone, Bella Hadid, Isabelle Adjani, Cindy Sherman, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Marina Abramovic, Liv Tyler, Christian Lacroix, Tadao Ando, and Marianne Faithfull.

Nars has never sought to hide the imperfections and oddities that give faces their personality, but rather to accentuate them in dramatic and surprising ways—think bold, dark, painstakingly crafted eyes offset by clear, almost bare skin. The arresting images in this volume, shot in color against a rich black background with dramatic lighting, explore themes of provocation, sharp humor, and unconventional beauty, always with an edgy dose of glamour.

This undoubtedly unique and gorgeous volume, printed using specialty inks to produce images in ultrarich vibrant colors with high gloss, is a true collector’s item for style, culture, and photography enthusiasts alike.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 22,9×30,5
Pagine: 480
Immagini a colori-b/n: 300
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021

ISBN: 9780847862733

François Nars, makeup artist and founder of the luxe makeup brand NARS Cosmetics, launched his eponymous line with 12 cult-favorite lipsticks in 1994 and is the author of six books showcasing his photographic work.



1 disponibili

di Francois Nars

In this Limited Edition, French makeup Legend, beauty Mogul, and esteemed Photographer François Nars unveils his long-awaited Collection of more than 300 new Photographs—dramatic and provocative Portraits of creative Figures of all Ages that capture the Beauty and Essence of each Persona.

Persona reveals an extraordinary production of cinematic, avant-garde portraits of an exclusive list of contemporary creative icons. The celebrities, artists, designers, musicians, and actors featured include Tilda Swinton, Naomi Campbell, Kyle MacLachlan, Sharon Stone, Bella Hadid, Isabelle Adjani, Cindy Sherman, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Marina Abramovic, Liv Tyler, Christian Lacroix, Tadao Ando, and Marianne Faithfull.

Nars has never sought to hide the imperfections and oddities that give faces their personality, but rather to accentuate them in dramatic and surprising ways—think bold, dark, painstakingly crafted eyes offset by clear, almost bare skin. The arresting images in this volume, shot in color against a rich black background with dramatic lighting, explore themes of provocation, sharp humor, and unconventional beauty, always with an edgy dose of glamour.

This undoubtedly unique and gorgeous volume, printed using specialty inks to produce images in ultrarich vibrant colors with high gloss, is a true collector’s item for style, culture, and photography enthusiasts alike.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 22,9×30,5
Pagine: 480
Immagini a colori-b/n: 300
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021

ISBN: 9780847862733

François Nars, makeup artist and founder of the luxe makeup brand NARS Cosmetics, launched his eponymous line with 12 cult-favorite lipsticks in 1994 and is the author of six books showcasing his photographic work.


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