di Jenni Kayne
Jenni Kayne, the creator of the laid-back, luxe California lifestyle brand, shows us how to create spaces that encourage living well in comfort and style by featuring beautiful and inspiring interiors along with practical room-by-room tips.
A known tastemaker and authority on style, Jenni Kayne spans the worlds of fashion, interiors, and entertaining. Inspired by organic textures, thoughtful simplicity, and natural landscapes, Kayne embodies an earthy and effortless aesthetic—one that is intentional and where beauty and authenticity exist in every detail.
In her second book Kayne turns to interior design, sharing her beautifully designed interiors as well as the homes of other creative women who embrace a similar natural design ethos. The book introduces the homes by location, spanning varied landscapes and design characteristics: houses by the ocean, desert-style spaces, mountain homes, and abodes in the city. Lovely photographs illustrate how the women live in these spaces, room by room, and include smaller styling vignettes showcasing collectibles and personal objects. Interviews discuss each woman’s design philosophy and her ideas for living well at home.
With a mix of visual inspiration and practical tips and resources, Kayne encourages us to express our individual style through decor, showing us how to create beautiful interiors that help us to live joyfully and mindfully, treating life’s details with creativity and care.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,6×27,9
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021
ISBN: 9780847869640
Jenni Kayne has become an all-encompassing lifestyle brand rooted in modern California minimalism. She has grown her eponymous clothing line to include a home line as well as a growing number of retail stores. Vincent Van Duysen (Foreword by) is a world-renowned architect who specializes in interior design and product design.
di Jenni Kayne
Jenni Kayne, the creator of the laid-back, luxe California lifestyle brand, shows us how to create spaces that encourage living well in comfort and style by featuring beautiful and inspiring interiors along with practical room-by-room tips.
A known tastemaker and authority on style, Jenni Kayne spans the worlds of fashion, interiors, and entertaining. Inspired by organic textures, thoughtful simplicity, and natural landscapes, Kayne embodies an earthy and effortless aesthetic—one that is intentional and where beauty and authenticity exist in every detail.
In her second book Kayne turns to interior design, sharing her beautifully designed interiors as well as the homes of other creative women who embrace a similar natural design ethos. The book introduces the homes by location, spanning varied landscapes and design characteristics: houses by the ocean, desert-style spaces, mountain homes, and abodes in the city. Lovely photographs illustrate how the women live in these spaces, room by room, and include smaller styling vignettes showcasing collectibles and personal objects. Interviews discuss each woman’s design philosophy and her ideas for living well at home.
With a mix of visual inspiration and practical tips and resources, Kayne encourages us to express our individual style through decor, showing us how to create beautiful interiors that help us to live joyfully and mindfully, treating life’s details with creativity and care.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,6×27,9
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021
ISBN: 9780847869640
Jenni Kayne has become an all-encompassing lifestyle brand rooted in modern California minimalism. She has grown her eponymous clothing line to include a home line as well as a growing number of retail stores. Vincent Van Duysen (Foreword by) is a world-renowned architect who specializes in interior design and product design.
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