di M. Brian Tichenor – Raun Thorp with Judith Nasatir
Deeply fluent in the Mediterranean and American vernaculars and the modern forms of the California Tradition, Tichenor & Thorp design exceptional properties that integrate large-scale residences and luxurious gardens and landscapes into a singular, unified vision: house and landscape imagined as one complete expression for a given site and particular client. The duo traverses the spectrum of periods and styles to craft beautifully realized, finely choreographed, highly appropriate living environments that resonate with individuality and precedent. Featured projects include a Spanish-inflected courtyard house and garden in Las Palmas that spectacularly frames the palm trees and the mountains; a Bel Air estate and grounds tinged with English and French influences; a Newport Beach hilltop hideaway that evokes a Portuguese quinta; a Provençal bastide and surrounding gardens transplanted to the côte sud that is Rancho Santa Fe; a Pasadena retreat inflected with John Soane–inspired details; a renovated Harwell Hamilton Harris house in Holmby Hills with a cruciform plan and corresponding gardens of individual character; two luxe contemporary Manhattan apartments; and a modern mountain getaway at the foot of the Tetons in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Illustrated with specially commissioned photographs by Roger Davies and Brian Tichenor’s own masterly watercolors, drawings, and plans, and with a foreword by Pilar Viladas, architecture and design editor at Town & Country, Outside In shares “Hollywood’s best-kept secret” with the world.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 25,4×30,5
Pagine: 272
Immagini a colori: 350
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9780865653382
Raun Thorp, a native Californian, worked with Peter and Allison Smithson in London and several noted Los Angeles–area firms, including Frank Gehry and Moore Ruble Yudell before co-founding Tichenor & Thorp. In addition to her multifaceted design work on the firm’s architecture projects and her spearheading of its interiors division, Thorp oversees the firm’s business development and operations. A Fellow of the Garden Conservancy, Thorp is also a member of the Society of Architectural Historians and the Los Angeles Conservancy, as well as Las Doñas at UCLA. She served for many years on the South Carthay Historic Preservation Board, and is currently on the board of Big Sunday, a national non-profit. Her extensive educational background includes a bachelor’s degree from Bryn Mawr College and a master’s degree in architecture from UCLA. Before co-founding Tichenor & Thorp, M. Brian Tichenor, also a California native, worked as a project designer and manager for Moore Ruble Yudell and subsequently, in collaboration with landscape designer Nancy Goslee Power, completed more than a hundred gardens. Currently on the faculty of USC’s Graduate School of Architecture, he is actively involved with the Los Angeles Conservancy, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, the Huntington Library and Gardens, the Living Desert Museum, the Society of Architectural Historians, and the Cultural Landscape Foundation. Also a fine artist, he has shown his abstract canvases at Sears Peyton Gallery. His architectural renderings have been widely published and exhibited at the Cooper Hewitt Museum in New York and Max Protech Gallery, among other venues. He holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from UC Santa Barbara and a master’s degree in architecture from UCLA. Judith Nasatir, executive editor of New York Spaces magazine, is the author or co-author of Carrier and Company: Positively Chic Interiors; Nancy Braithwaite’s Simplicity; Artfully Modern: The Interiors of Richard Mishaan; Living Traditions: Interiors by Matthew Patrick Smyth; Jeffrey Bilhuber’s Defining Luxury: The Qualities of Life at Home and The Way Home: Reflections on American Beauty; Rooms to Remember: The Classic Interiors of Suzanne Tucker; and Jamie Drake: New American Glamour. She has written for the New York Times “T” Magazine, 1stdibs, House & Garden, Elle Decor, House Beautiful, Metropolitan Home, Town & Country, and Veranda, among other publications.
Pilar Viladas (Foreword by) is a preeminent architecture and interior design writer and editor. Formerly the architecture editor at House & Garden, a contributing editor at Architectural Digest, and design editor at the New York Times Magazine, she is now the architecture and design editor at Town & Country. Roger Davies (Photographs by) is an English-born interiors architecture and interiors photographer now based in Los Angeles.
di M. Brian Tichenor – Raun Thorp with Judith Nasatir
Deeply fluent in the Mediterranean and American vernaculars and the modern forms of the California Tradition, Tichenor & Thorp design exceptional properties that integrate large-scale residences and luxurious gardens and landscapes into a singular, unified vision: house and landscape imagined as one complete expression for a given site and particular client. The duo traverses the spectrum of periods and styles to craft beautifully realized, finely choreographed, highly appropriate living environments that resonate with individuality and precedent. Featured projects include a Spanish-inflected courtyard house and garden in Las Palmas that spectacularly frames the palm trees and the mountains; a Bel Air estate and grounds tinged with English and French influences; a Newport Beach hilltop hideaway that evokes a Portuguese quinta; a Provençal bastide and surrounding gardens transplanted to the côte sud that is Rancho Santa Fe; a Pasadena retreat inflected with John Soane–inspired details; a renovated Harwell Hamilton Harris house in Holmby Hills with a cruciform plan and corresponding gardens of individual character; two luxe contemporary Manhattan apartments; and a modern mountain getaway at the foot of the Tetons in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Illustrated with specially commissioned photographs by Roger Davies and Brian Tichenor’s own masterly watercolors, drawings, and plans, and with a foreword by Pilar Viladas, architecture and design editor at Town & Country, Outside In shares “Hollywood’s best-kept secret” with the world.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 25,4×30,5
Pagine: 272
Immagini a colori: 350
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9780865653382
Raun Thorp, a native Californian, worked with Peter and Allison Smithson in London and several noted Los Angeles–area firms, including Frank Gehry and Moore Ruble Yudell before co-founding Tichenor & Thorp. In addition to her multifaceted design work on the firm’s architecture projects and her spearheading of its interiors division, Thorp oversees the firm’s business development and operations. A Fellow of the Garden Conservancy, Thorp is also a member of the Society of Architectural Historians and the Los Angeles Conservancy, as well as Las Doñas at UCLA. She served for many years on the South Carthay Historic Preservation Board, and is currently on the board of Big Sunday, a national non-profit. Her extensive educational background includes a bachelor’s degree from Bryn Mawr College and a master’s degree in architecture from UCLA. Before co-founding Tichenor & Thorp, M. Brian Tichenor, also a California native, worked as a project designer and manager for Moore Ruble Yudell and subsequently, in collaboration with landscape designer Nancy Goslee Power, completed more than a hundred gardens. Currently on the faculty of USC’s Graduate School of Architecture, he is actively involved with the Los Angeles Conservancy, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, the Huntington Library and Gardens, the Living Desert Museum, the Society of Architectural Historians, and the Cultural Landscape Foundation. Also a fine artist, he has shown his abstract canvases at Sears Peyton Gallery. His architectural renderings have been widely published and exhibited at the Cooper Hewitt Museum in New York and Max Protech Gallery, among other venues. He holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from UC Santa Barbara and a master’s degree in architecture from UCLA. Judith Nasatir, executive editor of New York Spaces magazine, is the author or co-author of Carrier and Company: Positively Chic Interiors; Nancy Braithwaite’s Simplicity; Artfully Modern: The Interiors of Richard Mishaan; Living Traditions: Interiors by Matthew Patrick Smyth; Jeffrey Bilhuber’s Defining Luxury: The Qualities of Life at Home and The Way Home: Reflections on American Beauty; Rooms to Remember: The Classic Interiors of Suzanne Tucker; and Jamie Drake: New American Glamour. She has written for the New York Times “T” Magazine, 1stdibs, House & Garden, Elle Decor, House Beautiful, Metropolitan Home, Town & Country, and Veranda, among other publications.
Pilar Viladas (Foreword by) is a preeminent architecture and interior design writer and editor. Formerly the architecture editor at House & Garden, a contributing editor at Architectural Digest, and design editor at the New York Times Magazine, she is now the architecture and design editor at Town & Country. Roger Davies (Photographs by) is an English-born interiors architecture and interiors photographer now based in Los Angeles.
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