



a cura di David Jenkins

This volume, the first in a six-part catalogue raisonne, surveys the early career of architect, Norman Foster. Covering the period from the establishment of Team 4 to the formation of Foster Associates, it offers comprehensive project histories and thematic essays which document the design and construction of the projects that defined Foster’s innovative design philosophy. These include the factory for Reliance Controls, the Newport School competition entry, buildings for Fred Olsen, IBM and Computer Technology, offices for Willis Faber & Dumas, the Sainsbury Centre and the Renault Distribution Centre. Contributions from Peter Buchanan, Reyner Banham, Francis Duffy and Martin Pawley, amongst others, are included alongside essays by Foster himself and observations from his colleagues in the practice. These writings describe individual project histories in detail and contextualize Foster’s work, discussing influences and inspiration, identifying themes and establishing connections between the early projects and those of successive decades.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24,5×30
Pagine: 580
Immagini a colori: 1000
Immagini b/n: 1000
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2003

ISBN: 9783791325347

David Jenkins is an architect, editor, and writer. He is the series editor of Norman Foster Works and Foster 40 (all by Prestel).




a cura di David Jenkins

This volume, the first in a six-part catalogue raisonne, surveys the early career of architect, Norman Foster. Covering the period from the establishment of Team 4 to the formation of Foster Associates, it offers comprehensive project histories and thematic essays which document the design and construction of the projects that defined Foster’s innovative design philosophy. These include the factory for Reliance Controls, the Newport School competition entry, buildings for Fred Olsen, IBM and Computer Technology, offices for Willis Faber & Dumas, the Sainsbury Centre and the Renault Distribution Centre. Contributions from Peter Buchanan, Reyner Banham, Francis Duffy and Martin Pawley, amongst others, are included alongside essays by Foster himself and observations from his colleagues in the practice. These writings describe individual project histories in detail and contextualize Foster’s work, discussing influences and inspiration, identifying themes and establishing connections between the early projects and those of successive decades.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24,5×30
Pagine: 580
Immagini a colori: 1000
Immagini b/n: 1000
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2003

ISBN: 9783791325347

David Jenkins is an architect, editor, and writer. He is the series editor of Norman Foster Works and Foster 40 (all by Prestel).


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