


di Giles Kime


For comfortable and stylish Interiors, look no further than Nina Campbell, the doyenne of English interior Design today. Rooms with sophisticated color Combinations, tailored Upholstery, whimsical Antiques, and unquestionable Ease — Motifs that are uniquely Campbell’s but that also echo her early Influences working with legend John Fowler

Nina Campbell’s almost fifty-year career exemplifies the best of English interior design. Campbell imparts her design wisdom through a biography of her career and recent decorating projects, sharing tips and secrets of the trade.

A selection of the designer’s own London residences outlines her experimentations and passions—from pared-back grandeur to bold plays of scale and modern use of texture and color.

A survey of Nina’s high-profile commissions completed in the last five years demonstrates how she employs the key principles of her design aesthetic in a variety of contexts, from prestigious addresses in London and New York, a pied-à-terre in Rome, and a retreat in the English countryside to a historic German hotel, a viewing pavilion at the Ascot, and a Los Angeles bedroom suite.

The running theme is how Campbell has takenthe tenets of classic English style and uses them to create a style germane to the twenty-first century.

This book is for people who love English design, one of the most enduring decorating styles of the past fifty years—traditional interiors with vibrant colors, luxurious textiles, pared-down elegance, and, above all, true comfort. A necessary addition to design libraries on masters of the field.

Giles Kime is the interiors editor of Country Life magazine. Carolina Herrera (Foreword by) is a New York–based fashion designer.


Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori-b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9780847863174



di Giles Kime


For comfortable and stylish Interiors, look no further than Nina Campbell, the doyenne of English interior Design today. Rooms with sophisticated color Combinations, tailored Upholstery, whimsical Antiques, and unquestionable Ease — Motifs that are uniquely Campbell’s but that also echo her early Influences working with legend John Fowler

Nina Campbell’s almost fifty-year career exemplifies the best of English interior design. Campbell imparts her design wisdom through a biography of her career and recent decorating projects, sharing tips and secrets of the trade.

A selection of the designer’s own London residences outlines her experimentations and passions—from pared-back grandeur to bold plays of scale and modern use of texture and color.

A survey of Nina’s high-profile commissions completed in the last five years demonstrates how she employs the key principles of her design aesthetic in a variety of contexts, from prestigious addresses in London and New York, a pied-à-terre in Rome, and a retreat in the English countryside to a historic German hotel, a viewing pavilion at the Ascot, and a Los Angeles bedroom suite.

The running theme is how Campbell has takenthe tenets of classic English style and uses them to create a style germane to the twenty-first century.

This book is for people who love English design, one of the most enduring decorating styles of the past fifty years—traditional interiors with vibrant colors, luxurious textiles, pared-down elegance, and, above all, true comfort. A necessary addition to design libraries on masters of the field.

Giles Kime is the interiors editor of Country Life magazine. Carolina Herrera (Foreword by) is a New York–based fashion designer.


Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori-b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9780847863174


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