
MVRDV BUILDINGS (Updated Edition)


a cura di Ilka RubyAndreas Ruby

In cooperation with Ilka and Andreas Ruby, the Rotterdam-based architecture and urban design practice MVRDV assembled a redefined architecture monograph with the book ‘MVRDV Buildings’ about its realized work, featuring user testimonies, journalistic articles, unpublished images and accessible drawings.

Founded in 1993 MVRDV (its name is an acronym for founding members Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries) during the 20 years of practice the office has realized a stunning portfolio of buildings and urban plans. Nowaday MVRDV is regarded as one of the worlds top architecture bureaus.

They amazed the world with their design of the Dutch pavilion at the 2000 World Expo, The architects of MVRDV are famous for their visionary research and thought provoking projects such Grand Paris (a proposal to join Paris and its suburbs into a high-density “post-Kyoto city” by 2030) and Pig City (a high-rise landscape designed to solve lack-of-space problems for the pig meat industry in the Netherlands). 

Other projects you can get to know better in this book are Villa VPRO (Hilversum), WoZoCo (Amsterdam), Balancing Barn (Suffolk, UK) and Edificio Mirador (Madrid). How do these buildings perform? What is the philosophy, logic and thinking behind imminent MVRDV concepts? And what is life like in a blue house (in Didden Village, near Rotterdam), on an orange tribune (The Why Factory, situated within a courtyard at Delft University of Technology), in a vertical shopping street (the Gyre Shopping Center in Tokyo), in a housing silo (on the IJ waterfront in Amsterdam) or inside a mountain of books (the Book Mountain library in Spijkenisse)?

> Look INSIDE/Video

List of Projects:
Villa VPRO, WoZoCo, Three Porters Lodges, NTR (formerly RVU), Double House, Silodam, Borneo Plot 12, Expo 2000 Netherlands Pavilion, Effenaar Pop Centre, Ypenburg Master Plan, Hagen Island, Patio Island, Water Villas, Studio Thonik, Maxima Medisch Centrum, Lloyd Hotel, Parkrand, Westerdokseiland, Frøsilo / Gemini Residences, Mirador, Celosia, Didden Village, Barcode House, Haus am Hang, Vrederijk Estate, Book Mountain, DNB Headquarters, Glass Farm, TEDA, Le Monolithe, Gyre, Anyang Peak, Balancing Barn, The Why Factory Tribune, Teletech Campus, Gangnam Shopping Centre, Markthal, Pushed Slab, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24×32
Pagine: 432
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9789462082427

MVRDV BUILDINGS (Updated Edition)


a cura di Ilka RubyAndreas Ruby

In cooperation with Ilka and Andreas Ruby, the Rotterdam-based architecture and urban design practice MVRDV assembled a redefined architecture monograph with the book ‘MVRDV Buildings’ about its realized work, featuring user testimonies, journalistic articles, unpublished images and accessible drawings.

Founded in 1993 MVRDV (its name is an acronym for founding members Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries) during the 20 years of practice the office has realized a stunning portfolio of buildings and urban plans. Nowaday MVRDV is regarded as one of the worlds top architecture bureaus.

They amazed the world with their design of the Dutch pavilion at the 2000 World Expo, The architects of MVRDV are famous for their visionary research and thought provoking projects such Grand Paris (a proposal to join Paris and its suburbs into a high-density “post-Kyoto city” by 2030) and Pig City (a high-rise landscape designed to solve lack-of-space problems for the pig meat industry in the Netherlands). 

Other projects you can get to know better in this book are Villa VPRO (Hilversum), WoZoCo (Amsterdam), Balancing Barn (Suffolk, UK) and Edificio Mirador (Madrid). How do these buildings perform? What is the philosophy, logic and thinking behind imminent MVRDV concepts? And what is life like in a blue house (in Didden Village, near Rotterdam), on an orange tribune (The Why Factory, situated within a courtyard at Delft University of Technology), in a vertical shopping street (the Gyre Shopping Center in Tokyo), in a housing silo (on the IJ waterfront in Amsterdam) or inside a mountain of books (the Book Mountain library in Spijkenisse)?

> Look INSIDE/Video

List of Projects:
Villa VPRO, WoZoCo, Three Porters Lodges, NTR (formerly RVU), Double House, Silodam, Borneo Plot 12, Expo 2000 Netherlands Pavilion, Effenaar Pop Centre, Ypenburg Master Plan, Hagen Island, Patio Island, Water Villas, Studio Thonik, Maxima Medisch Centrum, Lloyd Hotel, Parkrand, Westerdokseiland, Frøsilo / Gemini Residences, Mirador, Celosia, Didden Village, Barcode House, Haus am Hang, Vrederijk Estate, Book Mountain, DNB Headquarters, Glass Farm, TEDA, Le Monolithe, Gyre, Anyang Peak, Balancing Barn, The Why Factory Tribune, Teletech Campus, Gangnam Shopping Centre, Markthal, Pushed Slab, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 24×32
Pagine: 432
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9789462082427


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