
MORPHOGENESIS. The Indian Perspective



di Manit RastogiSonali Rastogi

MORPHOGENESIS. The Indian Perspective. The Global Context

  • Morphogenesis is one of India’s leading award-winning Architecture and Urban Design practices based out of New Delhi, India; this book discusses in detail how Morphogenesis is a design practice engaging in a critical dialogue towards bridging the boundaries of architecture, design, urbanism, and environmental design in India
  • Highlights Morphogenesis’ core belief in sustainability and how it shapes all their projects, that is it is not treated as a layer of applied technology on building systems but forms the very basis of their designs
  • Strong narrative essays will discuss the architectural journey, featuring the strong relationships between the interiors and exteriors

This highly anticipated new monograph delves into an exciting selection of esteemed works by Delhi-based firm Morphogenesis, one of the most productive and creative architectural firms in India and a world-leader in zero net energy and sustainable design. This richly illustrated book combines stunning imagery with a comprehensive study outlining the firm’s strong philosophical design intent across a vast range of typologies: residential; institutional; commercial; hospitality; offices; houses; interiors; public and master planning. Morphogenesis reinterprets India’s architectural roots and consistently employs passive environmental solutions for a unique, contextual contemporary language. The Morphogenesis journey is a reflection of the contemporary Indian perspective within the global context, incorporating its inspired, forward-thinking vision while respectfully referencing the spirit of traditional Indian subcontinental architecture, and all the while maintaining an intimate focus on the environmental context and culture of the project. This spectacularly beautiful volume is a strong addition to IMAGES’ collection of the renowned Master Architect Series and a superb example of an engaged, highly principled and vibrant emerging architectural practice in Asia that is defining a global architectural brand for countries that share similar extraordinary levels of diversity in climate, scale, economy, and typology as is seen across the subcontinent.

Manit Rastogi Founding Partner Graduated from the School of Planning and Architecture (New Delhi) and the Architectural Association (London) with Honours in Energy and Environmental Studies. Manit is a Fellow of the IIA (Indian Institute of Architects) and the RSA (Royal Society of Arts, UK). Manit has taught at various universities and been a director of the Sushant School of Art and Architecture as well as the Sushant School of Design. He has been a juror on several design and award juries. Manit is a founder member, Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats (ADaRSH). As a member of the Technical Advisory Committee of GRIHA, India’s own Green rating system, and as member, Resource Persons Group on Environment and Ecology- Lt. Governor’s Secretariat, New Delhi. Sonali Rastogi Founding Partner Graduated from the School of Planning and Architecture (New Delhi) and The Architectural Association (London) with a graduate diploma in Housing and Urbanism and a second graduate diploma in Graduate Design. She is member of the Delhi Urban Arts Commission (DUAC), a Fellow of the IIA (Indian Institute of Architects) and the RSA (Royal Society of Arts, UK). Her experience and expertise in Architecture/ Interior Design has been recognised by way of numerous awards and accolades including the YFLO Woman Achiever of the Year Award, and as one of the 10 leading women architects in India by A+D. Sonali lectures extensively throughout the country, has been a part of various academic and design juries and been a speaker at various events such as India Design ID 2013 Symposium, Women Leaders in India Conference & Awards, Pecha Kucha, etc.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23,5×23,5
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 200
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017

ISBN: 9781864706628

MORPHOGENESIS. The Indian Perspective



di Manit RastogiSonali Rastogi

MORPHOGENESIS. The Indian Perspective. The Global Context

  • Morphogenesis is one of India’s leading award-winning Architecture and Urban Design practices based out of New Delhi, India; this book discusses in detail how Morphogenesis is a design practice engaging in a critical dialogue towards bridging the boundaries of architecture, design, urbanism, and environmental design in India
  • Highlights Morphogenesis’ core belief in sustainability and how it shapes all their projects, that is it is not treated as a layer of applied technology on building systems but forms the very basis of their designs
  • Strong narrative essays will discuss the architectural journey, featuring the strong relationships between the interiors and exteriors

This highly anticipated new monograph delves into an exciting selection of esteemed works by Delhi-based firm Morphogenesis, one of the most productive and creative architectural firms in India and a world-leader in zero net energy and sustainable design. This richly illustrated book combines stunning imagery with a comprehensive study outlining the firm’s strong philosophical design intent across a vast range of typologies: residential; institutional; commercial; hospitality; offices; houses; interiors; public and master planning. Morphogenesis reinterprets India’s architectural roots and consistently employs passive environmental solutions for a unique, contextual contemporary language. The Morphogenesis journey is a reflection of the contemporary Indian perspective within the global context, incorporating its inspired, forward-thinking vision while respectfully referencing the spirit of traditional Indian subcontinental architecture, and all the while maintaining an intimate focus on the environmental context and culture of the project. This spectacularly beautiful volume is a strong addition to IMAGES’ collection of the renowned Master Architect Series and a superb example of an engaged, highly principled and vibrant emerging architectural practice in Asia that is defining a global architectural brand for countries that share similar extraordinary levels of diversity in climate, scale, economy, and typology as is seen across the subcontinent.

Manit Rastogi Founding Partner Graduated from the School of Planning and Architecture (New Delhi) and the Architectural Association (London) with Honours in Energy and Environmental Studies. Manit is a Fellow of the IIA (Indian Institute of Architects) and the RSA (Royal Society of Arts, UK). Manit has taught at various universities and been a director of the Sushant School of Art and Architecture as well as the Sushant School of Design. He has been a juror on several design and award juries. Manit is a founder member, Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats (ADaRSH). As a member of the Technical Advisory Committee of GRIHA, India’s own Green rating system, and as member, Resource Persons Group on Environment and Ecology- Lt. Governor’s Secretariat, New Delhi. Sonali Rastogi Founding Partner Graduated from the School of Planning and Architecture (New Delhi) and The Architectural Association (London) with a graduate diploma in Housing and Urbanism and a second graduate diploma in Graduate Design. She is member of the Delhi Urban Arts Commission (DUAC), a Fellow of the IIA (Indian Institute of Architects) and the RSA (Royal Society of Arts, UK). Her experience and expertise in Architecture/ Interior Design has been recognised by way of numerous awards and accolades including the YFLO Woman Achiever of the Year Award, and as one of the 10 leading women architects in India by A+D. Sonali lectures extensively throughout the country, has been a part of various academic and design juries and been a speaker at various events such as India Design ID 2013 Symposium, Women Leaders in India Conference & Awards, Pecha Kucha, etc.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23,5×23,5
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 200
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017

ISBN: 9781864706628


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