


di Bill Bensley

MORE ESCAPISM. Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley

The second Monograph on the exuberant, extravagant Work of interior Designer, Architect and Landscape Designer Bill Bensley

BENSLEY is a small atelier of youthful and energetic architects, interior designers, artists, graphic designers and landscape architects who know no limits. Since 1989, the studio has designed more than 200 hotels and resorts, spas and homes, mostly in Southeast Asia – each reflecting the bold, extravagant aesthetic for which Bill Bensley is known. Vanity Fair has described him as ‘the craziest sane designer in the world’, while Condé Nast Traveller has hailed him as a ‘master of fabulation’.

More Escapism visits twelve of Bensley’s most exciting, outlandish and award-winning projects, from luxury hotels to Bill Bensley’s own home in Bangkok. Bursting with hundreds of vivid photographs, this bold, large-format design monograph is the perfect vehicle for Bensley’s theatrical style. In his own words: ‘If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.’

– Features: Baan Botanica: Bangkok, Thailand • Capella Hanoi: Hanoi, Vietnam • Capella Ubud: Bali, Indonesia • Shinta Mani Wild: Cardamom Forest, Cambodia • Shinta Mani: Siem Reap, Cambodia • MGallery Hotel de la Couple: Sapa, Vietnam • MGallery Yen Tu: Yen Tu, Vietnam • JW Marriott Lamarck University: Phu Quoc, Vietnam • Rosewood: Luang Prabang, Laos • Four Seasons Resort: Koh Samui, Thailand • Four Seasons Resort: Chiang Mai, Thailand • Four Seasons Tented Camp: Golden Triangle, Thailand

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 27,4×37,4
Pagine: 512
Immagini a colori-b/n: 350
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9780500024683

Bill Bensley is a gardener, architect, interior designer and wide-ranging explorer. After graduating from Harvard, Bensley moved to Asia, where he established his own studio, BENSLEY, in Bangkok (1989) and Bali (1990). Since then, Bensley has designed more than 200 resorts, hotels and palaces in 30-plus countries. Suzy Annetta is the Consultant Editor of Design Anthology magazine, a Hong Kong–based independent publication that celebrates the burgeoning creative and cultural scene in Asia. She is the author of Design in Asia, also published by Thames & Hudson.



di Bill Bensley

MORE ESCAPISM. Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley

The second Monograph on the exuberant, extravagant Work of interior Designer, Architect and Landscape Designer Bill Bensley

BENSLEY is a small atelier of youthful and energetic architects, interior designers, artists, graphic designers and landscape architects who know no limits. Since 1989, the studio has designed more than 200 hotels and resorts, spas and homes, mostly in Southeast Asia – each reflecting the bold, extravagant aesthetic for which Bill Bensley is known. Vanity Fair has described him as ‘the craziest sane designer in the world’, while Condé Nast Traveller has hailed him as a ‘master of fabulation’.

More Escapism visits twelve of Bensley’s most exciting, outlandish and award-winning projects, from luxury hotels to Bill Bensley’s own home in Bangkok. Bursting with hundreds of vivid photographs, this bold, large-format design monograph is the perfect vehicle for Bensley’s theatrical style. In his own words: ‘If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.’

– Features: Baan Botanica: Bangkok, Thailand • Capella Hanoi: Hanoi, Vietnam • Capella Ubud: Bali, Indonesia • Shinta Mani Wild: Cardamom Forest, Cambodia • Shinta Mani: Siem Reap, Cambodia • MGallery Hotel de la Couple: Sapa, Vietnam • MGallery Yen Tu: Yen Tu, Vietnam • JW Marriott Lamarck University: Phu Quoc, Vietnam • Rosewood: Luang Prabang, Laos • Four Seasons Resort: Koh Samui, Thailand • Four Seasons Resort: Chiang Mai, Thailand • Four Seasons Tented Camp: Golden Triangle, Thailand

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 27,4×37,4
Pagine: 512
Immagini a colori-b/n: 350
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9780500024683

Bill Bensley is a gardener, architect, interior designer and wide-ranging explorer. After graduating from Harvard, Bensley moved to Asia, where he established his own studio, BENSLEY, in Bangkok (1989) and Bali (1990). Since then, Bensley has designed more than 200 resorts, hotels and palaces in 30-plus countries. Suzy Annetta is the Consultant Editor of Design Anthology magazine, a Hong Kong–based independent publication that celebrates the burgeoning creative and cultural scene in Asia. She is the author of Design in Asia, also published by Thames & Hudson.


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