di AA.VV.
The first Career Retrospective of leading contemporary Photographer Mona Kuhn
Mona Kuhn: Works is the first retrospective by one of the most respected and widely exhibited contemporary art photographers at work in the world today. Over a career spanning more than twenty years, Kuhn’s underlying theme has always been humanity’s longing for spiritual connection and solidarity. She is renowned for developing close relationships with her subjects, resulting in images of remarkable intimacy. Her use of playful visual strategies reveals glimpses into the psyche as it is expressed through the human form, ultimately reinterpreting the nude in the canon of contemporary art.
Featuring images from throughout Kuhn’s career, including previously unseen work, this book introduces her distinct aesthetic to a wide, popular audience. Texts by Rebecca Morse, Chris Littlewood, Darius Himes and Simon Baker, and an interview with Elizabeth Avedon, offer invaluable insights into Kuhn’s creative process and the ways in which she works with her subjects and settings, and achieves the visual signature of her imagery. Mona Kuhn: Works is an essential volume for anyone with an interest in the human form in contemporary art.
> Mona Kuhn (b. 1969) is a Brazilian photographer of German descent. She has lived and worked in Los Angeles since 1989 and is currently an independent scholar at the Getty Research Institute. Her previous series-based monographs include Mona Kuhn: Photographs, Mona Kuhn: Evidence and Mona Kuhn: Private. Rebecca Morse is the Curator of the Wallis Annenberg Photography Department at LACMA. Simon Baker is the Director of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP) in Paris. He was previously Curator of Photography and International Art at Tate. Elizabeth Avedon is a photography book and exhibition designer, independent curator and writer.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24,5×30,5
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 155
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021
ISBN: 9780500545454
Introduction by Rebecca Morse • 1. Evidence 2000-2007 • 2. Native 2007-2009 • 3. Venezia 2009-2010 • In Conversation: Interview by Elizabeth Avedon • 5. Bordeaux Series 2009-2011 • Essay by Simon Baker • 6. Private 2012-2014 • 7. Bushes and Succulents 2017-2018 • 8. She Disappeared into Complete Silence 2014-2019
di AA.VV.
The first Career Retrospective of leading contemporary Photographer Mona Kuhn
Mona Kuhn: Works is the first retrospective by one of the most respected and widely exhibited contemporary art photographers at work in the world today. Over a career spanning more than twenty years, Kuhn’s underlying theme has always been humanity’s longing for spiritual connection and solidarity. She is renowned for developing close relationships with her subjects, resulting in images of remarkable intimacy. Her use of playful visual strategies reveals glimpses into the psyche as it is expressed through the human form, ultimately reinterpreting the nude in the canon of contemporary art.
Featuring images from throughout Kuhn’s career, including previously unseen work, this book introduces her distinct aesthetic to a wide, popular audience. Texts by Rebecca Morse, Chris Littlewood, Darius Himes and Simon Baker, and an interview with Elizabeth Avedon, offer invaluable insights into Kuhn’s creative process and the ways in which she works with her subjects and settings, and achieves the visual signature of her imagery. Mona Kuhn: Works is an essential volume for anyone with an interest in the human form in contemporary art.
> Mona Kuhn (b. 1969) is a Brazilian photographer of German descent. She has lived and worked in Los Angeles since 1989 and is currently an independent scholar at the Getty Research Institute. Her previous series-based monographs include Mona Kuhn: Photographs, Mona Kuhn: Evidence and Mona Kuhn: Private. Rebecca Morse is the Curator of the Wallis Annenberg Photography Department at LACMA. Simon Baker is the Director of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP) in Paris. He was previously Curator of Photography and International Art at Tate. Elizabeth Avedon is a photography book and exhibition designer, independent curator and writer.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24,5×30,5
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 155
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021
ISBN: 9780500545454
Introduction by Rebecca Morse • 1. Evidence 2000-2007 • 2. Native 2007-2009 • 3. Venezia 2009-2010 • In Conversation: Interview by Elizabeth Avedon • 5. Bordeaux Series 2009-2011 • Essay by Simon Baker • 6. Private 2012-2014 • 7. Bushes and Succulents 2017-2018 • 8. She Disappeared into Complete Silence 2014-2019
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