



di Marc Hom

“My new book, ‘Profiles’, is a collection of portraits taken over the last six to eight years, including exceptional profiles of creatives in the arts and cinema, plus meaningful images of family and friends. The images originate from editorial assignments and personal sittings, and are a reflection on my fascination with the person and their innate beauty and character.” Marc Hom Text in English German and French AUTHOR: Originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, MARC HOM has made an indelible mark in the world of fashion photography and is now one of the leading portrait photographers living today. He is known for his timeless and classic portraits of some of the most creative, influential, and notable individuals of our time. Amongst his subjects are Robert Redford, Johnny Depp, Alicia Vikander, Angelina Jolie, Christopher Walken, Brie Larson, Kate Winslet, Julian Schnabel, Wiz Khalifa, Iggy Pop, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Michelle Obama, Quentin Tarantino, David Beckham, Royal families, and politicians, for such leading publications as W Magazine, Vanity Fair, GQ, German Vogue, Esquire, and Harper’s Bazaar. His first book, Portraits, was published in 2006.

SELLING POINTS: A stunning array of colour and black and white portraits of some of the most charismatic figures of contemporary culture Renowned photographer Marc Hom captures the essence of each of his personality “profiles” in a singular magical moment of candid vulnerability and vivid beauty This dazzling compendium is destined to become a classic for any modern photography book Collection Exhibitions and book signings to be announced soon Also available as Collector’s Editions. Limited Edition of 100 copies. “Exceptional profiles of creatives in the arts and cinema” in an exceptional collector’s edition with one of two valuable hand-signed and numbered photo prints 200 colour and duotone photos.

> Originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, Marc Hom has made an indelible mark in the world of fashion photography and is now one of the leading portrait photographers living today. His is known for his classic portraits of some of the most creative, influential, and notable individuals of our time. Amongst his subjects are Robert Redford, Johnny Depp, Alicia Vikander, Angelina Jolie, Christopher Walken, Brie Larson, Kate Winslet, Julian Schnabel, Wiz Khalifa, Iggy Pop, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Michelle Obama, Quentin Tarantino, David Beckham, Royal families, and politicians. His photographs have been published for such leading publications as “W Magazine,” “Vanity Fair,” “GQ,” and “Harper’s Bazaar.” His first book, “Portraits,” was published in 2006. He lives in Brooklyn Heights with his wife Marie-Louise and their two small children.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 28,6×34,8
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-D-F
Anno: 2016

ISBN: 9783832734336




di Marc Hom

“My new book, ‘Profiles’, is a collection of portraits taken over the last six to eight years, including exceptional profiles of creatives in the arts and cinema, plus meaningful images of family and friends. The images originate from editorial assignments and personal sittings, and are a reflection on my fascination with the person and their innate beauty and character.” Marc Hom Text in English German and French AUTHOR: Originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, MARC HOM has made an indelible mark in the world of fashion photography and is now one of the leading portrait photographers living today. He is known for his timeless and classic portraits of some of the most creative, influential, and notable individuals of our time. Amongst his subjects are Robert Redford, Johnny Depp, Alicia Vikander, Angelina Jolie, Christopher Walken, Brie Larson, Kate Winslet, Julian Schnabel, Wiz Khalifa, Iggy Pop, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Michelle Obama, Quentin Tarantino, David Beckham, Royal families, and politicians, for such leading publications as W Magazine, Vanity Fair, GQ, German Vogue, Esquire, and Harper’s Bazaar. His first book, Portraits, was published in 2006.

SELLING POINTS: A stunning array of colour and black and white portraits of some of the most charismatic figures of contemporary culture Renowned photographer Marc Hom captures the essence of each of his personality “profiles” in a singular magical moment of candid vulnerability and vivid beauty This dazzling compendium is destined to become a classic for any modern photography book Collection Exhibitions and book signings to be announced soon Also available as Collector’s Editions. Limited Edition of 100 copies. “Exceptional profiles of creatives in the arts and cinema” in an exceptional collector’s edition with one of two valuable hand-signed and numbered photo prints 200 colour and duotone photos.

> Originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, Marc Hom has made an indelible mark in the world of fashion photography and is now one of the leading portrait photographers living today. His is known for his classic portraits of some of the most creative, influential, and notable individuals of our time. Amongst his subjects are Robert Redford, Johnny Depp, Alicia Vikander, Angelina Jolie, Christopher Walken, Brie Larson, Kate Winslet, Julian Schnabel, Wiz Khalifa, Iggy Pop, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Michelle Obama, Quentin Tarantino, David Beckham, Royal families, and politicians. His photographs have been published for such leading publications as “W Magazine,” “Vanity Fair,” “GQ,” and “Harper’s Bazaar.” His first book, “Portraits,” was published in 2006. He lives in Brooklyn Heights with his wife Marie-Louise and their two small children.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 28,6×34,8
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-D-F
Anno: 2016

ISBN: 9783832734336


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