In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 59,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 54,00 €.

1 disponibili

Prezzo valido solamente per pagamenti tramite BB

di AA.VV.
a cura di Christoph Wieser

LUCA SELVA ARCHITECTS. Eight Houses and a Pavilion 

  • Luca Selva Architects have gained much recognition for their residential architecture
  • This first monograph on the firm features nine exemplary projects
  • Presents previously unpublished material: images, plans, visualisations

Luca Selva graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich, where he also worked as a research and teaching assistant before establishing his own studio in Basel in 1991. Single family houses have been among Selva’s chief interests from the beginning as means for research on questions of space, typology, design, and architectural phenomenology in general. Specific topics and problems are investigated for the first time with this type of building, and solutions found are picked-up again and developed further in other projects of varied kind and dimension. Since 1991 Luca Selva Architects have been realising a range of highly interesting projects, including semi-detached double-family homes, a house for an art collector, a house with artist’s studio, or a multi-generation home. The new book presents comprehensively and compares nine of these buildings. They are documented with images, floor and site plans, sections, and elevations. The essays look at the single family home as an architectural task and discuss questions of design in the context of historical and contemporary positions.

– With Essays by Helmuth Pauli, Martin Rauch, Luca Selva, and Christoph Wieser, and a Conversation between Daniel Buchner, Luca Selva, and Christoph Wieser

> Luca Selva, born 1962, graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich and established his own studio in Basel in 1991. He is also a professor of architecture at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

> Christoph Wieser graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich and has done his PhD at the Ecole Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He works as an architectural critic and researcher and lectures at various Swiss universities of applied sciences.

Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×32
Pagine: 96
Immagini a colori: 94
Immagini b/n: 73
Lingua: D-GB
Anno: 2014
ISBN: 9783906027562

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 59,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 54,00 €.

1 disponibili

Prezzo valido solamente per pagamenti tramite BB

di AA.VV.
a cura di Christoph Wieser

LUCA SELVA ARCHITECTS. Eight Houses and a Pavilion 

  • Luca Selva Architects have gained much recognition for their residential architecture
  • This first monograph on the firm features nine exemplary projects
  • Presents previously unpublished material: images, plans, visualisations

Luca Selva graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich, where he also worked as a research and teaching assistant before establishing his own studio in Basel in 1991. Single family houses have been among Selva’s chief interests from the beginning as means for research on questions of space, typology, design, and architectural phenomenology in general. Specific topics and problems are investigated for the first time with this type of building, and solutions found are picked-up again and developed further in other projects of varied kind and dimension. Since 1991 Luca Selva Architects have been realising a range of highly interesting projects, including semi-detached double-family homes, a house for an art collector, a house with artist’s studio, or a multi-generation home. The new book presents comprehensively and compares nine of these buildings. They are documented with images, floor and site plans, sections, and elevations. The essays look at the single family home as an architectural task and discuss questions of design in the context of historical and contemporary positions.

– With Essays by Helmuth Pauli, Martin Rauch, Luca Selva, and Christoph Wieser, and a Conversation between Daniel Buchner, Luca Selva, and Christoph Wieser

> Luca Selva, born 1962, graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich and established his own studio in Basel in 1991. He is also a professor of architecture at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

> Christoph Wieser graduated in architecture from ETH Zurich and has done his PhD at the Ecole Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He works as an architectural critic and researcher and lectures at various Swiss universities of applied sciences.

Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×32
Pagine: 96
Immagini a colori: 94
Immagini b/n: 73
Lingua: D-GB
Anno: 2014
ISBN: 9783906027562


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